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So I'd like to give an extra thank you and appreciation for every one of the patrons who supports the channel and makes creating these videos possible!



That's so sad, I'm just pleased you create such amazing content!


You create original content and are demonetized yet if you just sat there and played Fortnite you wouldn’t. It’s silly and I’m sorry that happened but I am glad you have Patreon so we can show support this way.


That's a bit of a surprise since I never had any advertisements on the videos. I actually thought it is just promoting patreon. Is there a reason given that you can change something to get monetization again?


Deleting all of my videos seems to be the only solution LOL. I know that advertisement is dependent on the country you are in so that might explain it. Most of my early and most popular videos were monetized and provided a good percentage of my revenue so this will definitely hurt. But it just makes me even more grateful for the support of my patrons.


they demonetize the artists that actually care abt their craft but leave the reaction channels alone .. the logic


Youtube pulling stunts like this is nothing new... I sure hope the patreon support helps enough to keep you going mistress!


Wait what? That’s nuts, youtube needs to finally fail and let something sane take its place


Would fellow acolytes be willing to donate to the cause? Maybe send a few fractions of a Bitcoin each month? After I inadvertently got hypnotized, I realized I actually could be hypnotized... I decided to give the ‘surrender all control’ a try to see if it would make the self help hypnosis work better. Or was that really my decision? Not sure anymore. Except for a temporary plateau in weight loss, I have resumed healthy eating, exercise and weight loss for Master. And yes I call her Master because I can’t help it... and because it feels good. 🤔


Patrons have already contributed through subscriptions so nothing further is necessary. I'm appreciative of everything already given to the channel. Thank you!


Sorry to hear you have to deal with Youtube's BS. I'm glad to support your amazing content!


Yeah, they're the only game in town so at least I'm thankful that they didn't get rid of any of the videos at least. People can still watch... for now...


That's really unfair. Your content is great and it would be a great loss to YT if you were to leave. Very happy to increase my contribution.


Much appreciated. No matter what, I will continue to produce new content on Patreon because of the tremendous support I receive from you and others!


Did someone report the channel or is it a case of "random" décison by a bot ? In any case, I beleive you can contest that sort of décision.


They took away partner status so it was youtube's decision. Only remedy is to remove content and produce different kinds of videos, which I will not do.


There is so much abhorrent stuff on YouTube. I don’t see why they decided to come after bellybuttons and pendants. I don’t get it. I love your content. Good luck to you.


Basically the fact that some of my outfits show cleavage and my belly button. sigh...


That makes no sense


Don't be disheartened, we still support you and I am sure your following here will grow too. YouTube are just annoying


It's infuriating that they're essentially cheating you out of income on such spurious grounds. Unfair and unreasonable, but at least it's still going to draw new people here, where they can support you directly.


I'm trying to be hopeful but not so sure about that. Only time will tell. Thank you for the positive thoughts!


Hey, YouTube. You know, your logic is kind of... Broken. It's just stupid, about half of the channels I'm subscribed to (and it's all different content, starting from your's channel and finishing with simple gaming) already been demonetized. Like, how the hell does that even should make sense. But anyway, keep up the great job you are already doing with this videos, it is incredibly encouraging to see somebody caring about the content they produce AND the audience. So yeah. Just, you know, give me some time, my own monetization problems will be solved, and you'll get a bit more material support from me :p (no sarcasm, just separate the 1st part where I talk to YT)


What terrible reasons for demonitization! Never anything wrong with a little cleavage and bellybutton.


An advertisement appearing before the video 'ASMR Hypnosis - I'm Not Trying To Hypnotize You' ('Magic Crystals') made me think for a moment that Nina's channel might have been allowed monetization again. But no. As it turns out, the advertising money is going to some music company/creator that YouTube has decided owns the copyright to the music used in that video. This makes absolutely no sense to me. YouTube's actions suggest that advertisers want their advertisements not to appear before Nina's videos, /unless/ the advertising money is not going to Nina but to some supposed music copyright holder. I doubt most advertisers hold such a nuanced view. What this tells me is that it is possible for Nina's videos to be monetized, but it's probably best not to pursue that argument, in case YouTube decides to remove that video entirely and issue a copyright strike. The silver lining is that YouTube now has a financial incentive to promote that video, so it may bring more viewers to the channel. But this whole situation gives me an idea. What if one of us made original relaxation music and donated the copyright to Nina? Then she could put that music in her videos and YouTube would monetize those videos for the music copyright holder, who is Nina. Then the fact that the videos are monetized would also give YouTube incentive to promote them, bringing more viewers to Nina's channel. If only I had some musical talent. Maybe it's time to start learning. 😉