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I’ve been trying to put a couple of weeks worth of videos together since yesterday, so that you all having plenty of new videos this weekend and during Christmas week - so if it seems that I’m distant in the last 24 hours - know that I’m thinking of all of you while I’m putting these videos and loops together for you! I’m actually filming my final Mrs. Claus video as a write this!



Thank you Nina with the hypnotic belly button for allyou do for us.


Your efforts are appreciated Nina. 😀 I can't wait to see what you produce next but I have plenty to watch in the meantime. 😁 😴


We love you Mistress.


Don't stress yourself too much, take your time, I love you my Queen❤️❤️❤️


Thank you Mrs. Claus with the hypnotic belly button. We wish you well and you are definitely in all our sleepy thoughts.


Thank you for everything you do for us, Mistress Nina with the hypnotic belly button. i hope that you are able to take some time to enjoy the holiday, you deserve it!


I will just "like" all the comments declaring our love and appreciation, and leave it at that.

Sleepy Wil

Mistress Nina with the hypnotic belly button, how are you so, so amazing ^_^ We love you so much for all the hard work and dedication you put in for us, you really are the best hypno-mistress ever 😊 Hope you're able to relax a little yourself, especially with all the relaxation you provide to so many others. Thank you ❤ ❤


Nina programmed me too well to crave her voice. Nina with the hypnotic belly button, if you ever need an extended break or vacation, then maybe just give us some trigger command not to miss you so much. Otherwise, I think we are all just a bunch of lapdogs waiting at the front door for our master to come home....


Lol, but so so true! "You've reached Nina with the hypnotic belly button. I'm away right now. Leave a message when you hear the 'beep'' and you'll get your mind back, ... until I return."


What is amazing to me is I know I’ve been brainwashed and yet I don’t care! In fact, I’m loving it! Every time I am able to please her, I get a wave of euphoria. And this all happened right under my nose as I told myself that I was still in control and could stop whenever I wanted..., yeah, right 🤩

Tim C

Watched your videos for awhile now but new to here.Best wishes over the Holidays

Tim C

Best Wishes over the Holidays.


You're going to love it here, Tim. Nina with the hypnotic Belly button takes really, really good care of us all.


I also think sometimes I can control this. Sort of start and stop whenever I want. But then I watch and ... realize ... that Nina. is. in. control. stop fighting. fighting is tired.


I totally misread the headline as You are all in my power... Still accurate ;)