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Descent of the Dragon


"Wisdom and power came to you from beyond this world, and now you can't stay here."


Aspect of the Dragon: You enter an empowered state, gaining draconic claws. Ammo spent in this state is not subtracted from your total. Whenever you lock out an attribute, increase your remaining attributes by 3. During each act you MUST Ignite your Swing as part of your action and even if you do not act your Swing is placed in lockout.  These dice do not unlock until Dragon Install is completed. Your dice cannot be locked out by any other means. When all of your dice are locked out via this ability, unlock all your dice and end Dragon Install, returning your attributes to their former values.

 Level 1

 Stellar Awakening: You have an additional Black attribute as well as a special resource called Ammo. Ammo is gathered through the environment as well as combat. Your Black attribute CANNOT be used to Roll to Dye, all attacks made against you while in a black Swing automatically succeed. In order to Roll to Do with your black attribute you need to spend Ammo.

Your Ammo can be spent in the following ways:  

1 Ammo, Comet Sparkle Shot: You are allowed to Roll to Do using your black stat.

2 Ammo, Super Nova Born: You succeed on a Roll to Dye, even if the result has already been determined. Your attacker sustains damage equal to your Swing, and all adjacent creatures are pushed back a number of spaces equal to your Swing. Once per Act.

3 Ammo, Planet Buster COSMIC STAR [X]: By expending 3 Ammo while Rolling to Do with your black stat, your attack grows gigantic and targets all enemies in a 25' cone ahead of you. You MUST Ignite as part of this effort, potentially adding more targets, knockback etc.  

Starlight Syphon: You gain one Ammo per Act. You will stop generating Ammo at a certain point.

Level Up: See The Blue Reflection.



"Far from home searching for the way back."

 Level 1

 Treasure Finder: You gain xp whenever you find a magic item or cursed artifact. Ask the GM to rate its quality 1-5. Gain that much XP.

Energy Siphon: You may destroy item Gifts in your inventory to regain HP, cure ailments and heal wounds. Before you destroy an item, the GM will tell you what color that item's affinity is. Based on what an item's affinity is, different effects can be achieved with this ability. Furthermore, should you destroy multiple items at once, even greater effects can be achieved!
Affinity Chart:

GREEN: Heal HP equal to your Swing
RED: Heal a wound
BLUE: Heal a negative status
GREEN + RED: Heal a wound and then HP equal to 2x your Swing
GREEN + BLUE: Heal all negative status effects and then HP equal to 2x your Swing
RED + BLUE: Heal all negative status effects and gain temporary maximum HP equal to your Swing until the end of the conflict.
GREEN + RED + BLUE: Heal your HP to full, remove all negative status effects, heal all wounds  

Level Up: Find all of the Inventory upgrades and fill up all of them at once.


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