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This month's theme to play around with was super-duper long tongues. Now I'll admit, I had an idea for a naga fic for a while, and this theme gave me the perfect chance to test it out. I'll admit another thing too. This idea for double-dicked naga dudes was directly inspired by (aka: blatantly ripped off from) darkchibishadow 's hot as hell comic. My Master is a Naga (can be found on DCS's tumblr: http://dcsart.tumblr.com/post/95037148158/click-here-to-purchase-hey-all-since-mmian). Although, I'm too huge of a fan of big, full balls to go the sheath route, hehe. You can read the whole thing over on tumblr (18+ Link: http://theradicalscrivener.tumblr.com/post/96333561754/patreon-monthly-august-cuuuurse)


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