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I've been working very slowly this past week due in no small part to the growing existential dread I had been feeling every time I heard Trump creeping up in the polls. Even my anxiety meds weren't enough to keep me from having full blown panic attacks, but the election is over, and all I can do now is pick up the pieces and focus on what I can do which just happens to be writing.

One of the things I had been working on this past week is a new Big Changes story for the Halloween holiday. I did not manage to finish it before Halloween due to working on other projects, and I had actually shelved it completely and figured this year would be a total bust for a Halloween project, but I have been rethinking that stance. I really want to finish this piece so I am going to make that my current focus.

After that I have another hyper piece I am working on that I think a lot of people will enjoy, but the big projects that loom on the horizon are the ebooks I have been working on. I realize I made a huge mistake trying to organize a bunch of them at once, but I am making great progress anyway. So, upcoming books are:

'Mini'ge a Trois.

Gooed Friends Volume 1.

Big changes Volume 2.

Claves Volume 2.

For each of these books there will be new content. For Good Friends, Big Changes, and Claves there will be a brand new chapter that I will post on Patreon before publishing the books, but the chapter will not be available to the rest of the public for the foreseeable future. I am still feeling this out as I go. The biggest complaint I had with the first round of books was there wasn't really an incentive to buy since I was publishing everything online anyway. I can see the complaint there.

'Mini'ge a Trois is a tad different though. It's a fully contained novel so I wouldn't want to withhold part of the core story. My options then are add a short story to it that is micro themed as sort of bonus content or add another chapter of the main story to the book that is sort of a post-epilogue type scene. Like maybe a small scenario that happens after the events of the book. Sort of like a DLC thing. I am hashing out the finale for the main story at the moment (the outline is done as far as I can figure so far, but we'll see what happens when I actually start writing) when I hit my stride I sometimes think of something new to add.

Another ebook I want to put out is a general Cock shrinking assortment. I have been thinking about stuff like this for a while. Sort of putting out a bunch of little collected works books focusing on topic. Like Macro, Micro, Hyper etc. Each ebook will be listed as Ziel's Kink Compendium: <Insert whatever topic here>. I even already have the rough framework for the cover of the cock shrinking book laid out, but I don't have the money to commission an artist for it yet. I need to finish my current books, clear my workload and then I can look into contacting an artist to help with the cover. Anyway for the first Kink Compendium I was thinking of using two earlier dick shrinking stories and one brand new one. I am still on the fence about which to use for the first edition though. I think Not So Big Ben would be a must, but the second title is still up in the air. I do have a few outlines I could use for the third title, I will just have to sift through my ideas and figure out which best would fit the feel of the overall collection.

Upcoming projects I want to work on:

I did a short little intro for what I want to do with a macro story. I don't know how many people read "Something Huge". I admit the title wasn't exactly eye catching and it was an incredibly sfw story. That said I really loved how it came out, and I want to do more with those character. That will have to wait a bit though. I need to stop taking on new projects until I wrap up my current ones.

Another novel-like undertaking I want to do is a follow-up to The Little Spoon. A sort of continuous shrinking story that focuses on the dude's daily life at each subsequent size. Lots of sizeplay. Quite a bit of sex and romance. Lots of daily life interactions that I think would be fun.

I have plenty of half finished projects in the pipeline that I fully intend to spend the next few weeks working on. I've showcased a few of them here. I've got a macro-muscle growth themed one. A slightly less giant sized muscle growth/multi-limb story which I think will be fun. There's also a bunch of other ones which I need to sift through my WIPs and see which are salvageable.

I feel like there's so much more I want to say here, but I can't think of more right now so I will just leave you guys with a few teasers and some new art to ogle.
First and foremost I want to show off this bit of Troy art I commissioned from
[Sora-Belly]. They draw some really cute twinky dudes with a focus on belly inflation and tentacles.

The other two images I am gonna show off are the cover pages for 2 of the previously mentioned ebooks, 'Mini'ge a Trois and Gooed Friends. I'm looking forward to getting one or both of these to print in the very near future. 

The other thing I am showing is the progress I have made so far on the Big Changes Halloween special. I know it's late, and it's just gonna get later, but I want to not just finish it, but go back and overhaul it and bring the writing up to the quality level that I expect of myself. I feel like I was pushing myself too hard to write too fast and what I have done so far ended up very bare-bones and not in a good way.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy what you see. I'll have new stuff for you in the very near future.



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