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I made a comment on other sites, but I realize I may have forgotten to mention it here. I paused billing for Patreon in May because with the tax season crunch at work as well as the finals crunch at school I was at my limit and did not have time to write. All that stuff came to a head around May 16th-20th and then I had a week off before classes started back up. I had hoped to have a little more time to myself in that lull to write but I was just so completely frazzled by the intensity of the work and school crunch that I just sorta crashed hard and slept for most of my time off. 

All that being said I DID have time to do some writing. This should get me caught up and I will resume business as normal going into June. 

Here's the first part of a short little series (most likely just going to be two parts, but I liked the ending point I had for part 1) 

Gil is the quintessential dweeb - short, scrawny, and incredibly nerdy, but he constantly daydreams about bigger, beefier bros. During his doodles and daydreams, he edits a form. Unbeknownst to him, even if these forms are meant as a joke they are binding. 


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