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I'll have something new up either today or tomorrow. I've been juggling so many projects and dealing with so much stuff IRL these past few weeks that I've been very absentminded and scatterbrained about uploading and finishing up projects. I have a bunch of stuff in the pipeline that I can't actually share yet, but what I can share are some details as to what I am working on. 

'Mini'ge a Trois will get a new chapter very soon. I flat out deleted the stuff I had for the finale before and I am now blazing a new trail. I want to have more fun with Rhys's steady shrinkage, and that means I am going to be trying a few new things. I think I am going to dial back the sexual nature of Dean and Kevin for a bit. Maybe I'll have them cream and need a bit of recharge time, leaving Rhys to his own devices as he gets even smaller. By the time Kevin and Dean are fully rested, Rhys can be super tiny and have even more fun. My main complaint with what I had written so far was it was all focused too much on Kevin and Dean's dicks. Basically the whole thing was Rhys comparing his size to their cocks and rubbing up against them as he steadily shrank. I want him to be more mobile and be able to explore the other parts of his pal's bodies as he gets good and tiny, and I figure his current size range (he's currently a full foot in height) is the best size for him to really start taking stock of his pal's bodies while he gets even tinier. Eventually he gets so small that even just the padded expanse of Kevin's squishy musclegut spreads out like the sahara. 

Any thoughts and feedback and ideas for how you'd like to see the story progress is welcome. 

On the subject of shrinking I have a full outline tossed up for another very short shrinking fic which I will bundle alongside 'Mini'ge when I put it up as an ebook. The ebook itself will be posted for the $5 donors once it is ready, but I can easily see it being another month before that happens. So much to do before then. The new short story itself will be posted for all donors when it is done as a standalone piece. It won't be released publicly for non-donors/book buyers for a while yet. I am trying to decide when but it will basically be a matter of whenever the book sells well enough to start registering on amazon/nook searches. Basically how those sites work is new books do not show up in searches or in recommended buying lists unless they sell well enough. So you know how when you go on Amazon and you buy something, you'll get a prompt that says "People who liked that also liked this" and a list of other items? Well Amazon and Nook bookshop work the same way, and once a book gets out of its trial period it starts showing up in recommendations. I want to make the book something that people would actually want to buy which is why I am keeping some of the content private to Patreon subscribers for a bit. 

In related news, I have an outline for another Big Changes chapter which will be released in much the same way. I hope to have that done before too much longer, and I may in fact push that one up the queue just to have it done sooner (because I already have a cover art for it) 

In other news with Troy and the twins, I am halfway through a chapter for Big Changes (a different one. Separate from the one I am keeping only for Patreon subscribers for now) This chapter is one I am working on with a friend who has provided art for it. The whole chapter will be posted in smaller chunks. Each chunk will have a corresponding image along with it. It's a fun little exercise and I hope to have it done soon. 

But before I can really get into that I have got to wrap up this massive commission. I am so close to done that I can actually taste it. It's been a long, arduous journey, but I am so glad to be nearing the end. I dunno how best to describe it, but this has been such an incredibly lengthy and time consuming task. It's amazingly taxing to write a full novel especially towards the end. There's so much I feel like I need to wrap up and not a lot of space to do it. I want to make everything end cleanly, but at the same time I don't want to drag it out too long, and this has to be the final chapter. It's a delicate balance between telling too much and boring the audience and not telling enough and leaving everyone confused and it's kinda stressing me the hell out. 

On a more personal note, I seem to finally be getting my life back together after the car crash last week. My car will be in the shop for another week, but I have a rental car until then. It's a nice car (far nicer than my normal one) but the bill at the end of the week is going to hurt like hell. Not to mention having to pay for the repairs. I just emptied out my credit card balance so I will at least be going into it with no debt, but I will be putting on nearly a full thousand in debt in the next two weeks and the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. 

Hmm... I have one more project I suppose I could mention. I am working on a collaborative story with an artist friend of mine. We are creating a choose your own adventure style virtual novel, and I am really excited about how it is shaping up. It will be a while before I can finish it though. I hope to have a little bit of info I can share sometime down the line, but in the meantime it's something to look forward to. 


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