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Hitting the ground running here. Above Average is going to be sort of my flagship series for the time being, or however long it takes me to get the story done. I have a definite ending point in mind, but it'll be a ways off yet. There's going to be plenty of lurid, gay fun in the meantime. This series is really raunchy, really smutty, and really, really gay. Huge muscles, bigger dicks, and lots of sex ensue. So if that sounds like your idea of a good time, I hope you enjoy the story. The premise of this series is that Alan, the most average dude ever, discovers an item that causes him to grow in ways he'd never imagined. Of course he's excited to be super buff and super hung, but he soon finds that the spell is affecting more than just his body. His memories and reality itself are changing by the minute. Can he keep his memories together and maintain some semblance of a normal life as the spell alters his world? Can he find a way to stop it while there's still some trace of his old life to salvage? ... Would he even want to?


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