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I've got some upcoming works that I felt like sharing. If anyone wants to take a look at them feel free. First off, I have been spending a lot of time working on this commissioned novella. It's shaping up to be quite the massive undertaking, but I like how it is turning out so far. The first four chapters are done, and it's a sort of revenge tale with a humiliation bent. Jared, the biggest stud in town and the most promiscuous ladies' man around has skated through his college career using a blend of performance enhancing drugs and lots of sex. One of his exes decides to teach him a lesson by sapping the source of his success - his stamina. Soon he finds that he can barely even look at a woman without creaming his jeans. Anyway the first four chapters of Minute Man March can be read here: Chapter 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3uliac8ljtyuwxj/MMMarch.docx?dl=0 Chapter 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3uliac8ljtyuwxj/MMMarch.docx?dl=0 Chapter 3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3uliac8ljtyuwxj/MMMarch.docx?dl=0 Chapter 4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ipzlcmy8m585sbr/MMMarch4.docx?dl=0 On the subject of novels. I am working on a non-smut one. I've already gotten the first 2 chapters done. I am trying to focus more and more on my non-smut writing in hopes of finishing this novel this year, but I still fully intend to get all the Patreon goals done. Anyways, I'll avoid spoiling too much on the novel, but suffice to say it is a sci-fi piece with a heavy fantasy bent. I drew heavily from the whole Space Opera genre like Cowboy Bebop as well as cheesy JRPGs. Star Ocean was a huge inspiration when designing characters. You can read the first two chapters here: Chapter 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8pboj7hyx6j6q6z/DeltA01.docx?dl=0 Chapter 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8pboj7hyx6j6q6z/DeltA01.docx?dl=0 Speaking of Patreon stuff. I have just started working on the next AA chapter. There's really not much done on that. I only had about an hour of free time tonight so I just barely got the intro done, but it's fully outlined and should go quickly once I get a bit of time to work on it. Expect it up some time this week. Those who are super curious and want to see the first page, well here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pj28hbz8qk47bm/AA22.docx?dl=0 And as soon as I wrap up AA I am gonna throw myself into working on the Patreon monthly fic for February. I am pretty sure I mentioned the theme chosen from last month's suggestions, but for those who missed it, the chosen theme was another monster boy TF - more specifically, mer-dudes. I already have the full plot outlined, but nothing officially committed to paper yet. Should ideally go quickly once I finish AA.



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