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A few quick updates. I have a small clump of short stories I'll be uploading in the next day or two, and I also am hard at work on the next Patreon monthly fic. My day job is running me ragged lately so for the past week I feel like I just come home and sleep then wake up and get right back to work so I am a tad behind. I'll let you guys know what I am working on though, and give a sneak peek to anyone who wants to see it. For starters, of all the suggestions I was given for the January fic, one particularly struck a chord with me. It wasn't so much a theme as it was a premise. Since many of my stories deal with situations that result in absurd quantities of spunk flooding everything, some one suggested I do a story about the aftermath of such events. So, that's the general theme of this month's fic. I already have a bit of it down. It's still hella rough, but it'll give you a feel for where I am going with this if any of you want to take a peek at it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aerbzituk31ox6n/Patreon08.docx?dl=0



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