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The December fic ended up being hella late, but that’s because I wanted to spend a lot of time on it.Some quick thoughts I wanted to share about the fic: I spent a lot of time on this and kept asking people to re and reread the drafts as I went. I listened to their feedback. The final fic was roughly 10k words, but that doesn’t even factor in all the scenes I fully wrote out and then completely deleted. In one of the earlier drafts I had a huge scene where Corey comes out as gay and it was a nice scene, but it just sort of inverted the character’s in such a way that it was kind of jarring. All the sudden Isaac was the calm one who was trying to console his friend who was on the verge of panic. The point is, what I finally posted here was less than half what was actually written. I deleted and revised a lot as I went. Also, I know the title seems a tad. bland, but there’s a theory behind that too. I had kicked around a lot of possible titles; the usual things like puns, double entendres, sappy romance titles, needlessly expositiony extra long titles. In the end I just settled in calling the story “Isaac” because it’s a story about a guy named Isaac. It’s simple, succinct, and doesn’t make a big deal about Isaac’s trans nature which is one of the main things I wanted to do with this story. Throughout the whole thing I made it very clear that Isaac was one of the dudes, and I really hope that came across as intended. I had a lot of thoughts I wanted to discuss, but I can’t seem to remember them all right now. I guess in the meantime if anyone wants to see the deleted scene I mentioned earlier I saved it in another document. I have been poking at this off and on for almost a month now. It was new territory for me, and I wanted to be sure to give it the time and attention that the topic deserved. This month’s fic is a bit of a break from tradition in that there’s no transformation involved. I’ll keep the details of my brainstorming and drafting short, but I decided to make the story about a trans guy. As tends to happen when I make a new character I got a little too involved in it, and it turned into a massive, sappy gay romance fic. anyway, read it over on tumblr. (18+ Link http://theradicalscrivener.tumblr.com/post/108336880379/patreon-monthly-december-isaac )


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