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Yo, so I have had a few people suggest I set up a Facebook author profile and have it so I can announce new updates that way and the like. I have been mulling it over, and I am not opposed to the idea, but I was wondering if anyone knows any good ways to manage a second Facebook account since I do not want it to be linked to my personal account in any way. I would love it if I could have it work so that I could use them both on my mobile and get updates and alerts on my author account like I do on my personal account, but if that's not possible I would be fine with just logging in and out as needed. Oh and before people start mentioning things about FBs anti-porn policies, I won't be posting anything specifically pornish there. I'll be linking back to my tumblr profile with each update so I should be able to circumvent any issues with that. (any images I post there will be cropped and edited just like I do wth my Patreon Account. Oh, and I set up a Twitter account for announcing stories as they release. Check it out at @Zielwrites ( https://twitter.com/zielwrites ) And maybe help me get the word out? Getting started on a new venue is always difficult.


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