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Dear Patrons,

my patreon is un-suspended again, but I had to promise the review team some minor changes. From now on Violet and Evelina are Instagram food bloggers, who love #campaigns, travel to the most exotic places and post photos of their food three times a day. Illustrating those dishes will be the sole theme of my work from now on...


The reason I got suspended was the same, that hit many NSFW creators in the last two weeks. Public posts that were too raunchy.

I was sure I didn't have those, but it turned out I had, because my posts went back more than two years and I simply forgot what was in there. And since Patreon suspended so many accounts lately, it took them a full week to answer me. 

As you can imagine I really had some time to question myself, if it's such a clever idea to be dependent on one company and not have a more diverse income. So I've made the decision to have my Patreon only go back for nine months from now on and everything that is older, wanders off into Gumroad archives. I'm not terribly excited about that from a user perspective, but I hope you can understand me. After this, I don't want all my stuff to be on just one platform anymore. Yet I want to make absolutely clear, that of course you still get everything on here first and won't miss out on anything (Just always download it now). My apologies for the inconvenience.

So how we go from here? 

Back to normal. Tomorrow I'll release this months sketch raffle image. I hope you like pony play :) New Nancy pages last day of the month as always. She's about to get the upper hand this time... or shall I dare to say the upper foot.

But you've mentioned a new animation (with voice acting)?

I must admit, I completely lost this week of work. It turned out that I wasn't really able to produce anything. Most of the time I compulsively hit the refresh button on my browser to see if my patreon was still suspended. Nevertheless the animation is coming, but probably in August now with previews gifs coming in July.

And it'll feature the voice talent of... TAM! TAM! TAAAM!

Mistress Magenta 

So to all the hypnosis fans who were a bit concerned, if I waste too much time on animations... You're going to love this one ^^

Did you suffer a head injury that made you think it was a good idea to paint that food pic of Vi and Evi just for that joke at the beginning?

No, I already painted that a year ago to test the iPad Pro. Just added finishing touches. Food stuffs is always great for testing brushes. Just never thought there would be a good time to release it until now. Here you go for the high res by the way:


And again last but not least, I wanna thank you for all the encouraging messages I received during this gloomy week. You fine people really helped me to get through this with your kind words and helpful links.

Yours truly,


P.S.: I'm going to have a glass of BLÜB now.




Glad to have you back! Also totally excited for the mistress Magenta cameo!


Ha! Finally somebody is mentioning this ^^ I think it's gonna be great and push my stuff to a new level!

The Useful Rooster

The amount of effort and skill that went into drawing all that detailed food for that throw away gag astounds me. Also Mistress Magenta a great choice. Careful, she might be “too intense” though, according to Tumblr users.


Love the art with Violet and Evelina. Just curious, however. You said you used the iPad Pro for it. What drawing app did you use (Procreate, Autodesk Sketchbook, something else...)?


Woooh! Welcome back!!!!


Thank you, but I had most of the picture already painted. Doing this just for a one of joke would've been slightly insane. And regarding Mistress Magenta; "Intense" is will fit well here :)


I did it in Procreate. Still like it the best of all the apps. The only other that is really interesting is ClipStudio Paint for iPad, because it seems to have the full functionality of the desktop version.


Welcome back Sleepy! Very pleased for you, really great news!


yay welcome back gimp, i have to say you got me worried at the start *snarls* but i hope that is is for trouble on this site... ether way we have your back gimp and can't wait to see what you have in store, woot woot keep the gimp train going! lol :D

Jef Vinson

Welcome back, Sleepy.

David P

Nobody puts Sleepy in the corner. Mistress Magenta you say? TELL US MORE!


Welcome back :) ...I always wanted to ask if there were a "full" version of the head image with Vi, and now that you changed that I think the time as come... could you post that image (even if the one you used is the only version...)? Iloved that and I'd like to keep it in my archive with all your other works :P


Man I understand how you feel. My patreon was hit, so was my DA page. I decided to do a membership website for hi res of my stuff where people can buy individual pieces or access to it all and speed paint videos for one price. Or they can just enjoy the watermarked low res versions free. Its tough though. So I try to diversify with hentai foundry, tumblr and a few other sites.


You're absolutely right. I meant to give it out. There are just some minor things that annoy me in the image and I haven't found time to fix them yet. Because I'd like to give out an unblurred version.


I'm sorry to hear that. It's just annoying to be so dependent on these platforms. Is your DA suspended or completely gone?


It was suspended for 1 month. I just got it back no notice or chance to dispute it. I am glad to see your back up.


when will you make evelina's aunt short comic avaliable again?


I'll send it out again this weekend. Sorry for the wait, but I have to do it Patron by Patron. So it takes some time.


Wonderful news,Sleepy. One less worry for me.