7월 컨텐츠 투표 및 이번달 마지막 여프리과정! (Patreon)
2019-06-27 10:40:02
2019-06-27 16:54:45
마지막 여프리 내일혹은 모래안에 완성하고 언른 배포준비하겠습니다!
완성하고 배포일까지 시간좀남으면 낙서한것들도 추가로 그려봐야겠네요 ㅎㅎ
(투표는 상위3개가 확정되며 중복투표가가능합니다 마지막 하나는 제가원하는걸루 +ㅅ+)
Last one, female priest! I'll try to finish it within a day or two and prepare for distribution!
After I've finished and when I have some time left, I'll probably work on the extra stuff I've been drawing fufu.
(About the voting. The top 3 will be selected for each month's project and you can vote on multiple characters. The last one will be the character of my choice. +3+)