Patreon Reward (Patreon)
안녕하세요! Kidmo입니다 ㅎㅎ
첫달이라 미숙한점도많고 모르는것도많은 저에게 후원해주셔서 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ
나태해지지 않고 꾸준히 발전해나가는 모습을 보여드리겠습니다!
Hello! It's Kidmo hihi
This is my first month, and even though I'm a bit immature and don't know a lot of things about this.
Thank you for supporting me. T^T
I'll do my best to not become an indolent sloth, and instead, show my self continuing to improve!
지메일이 csv파일을 넣어도 연락처가 뜨질않네요... T^T
일단 패트리온 메세지로 어영부영보냈습니다!
메세지 안가신분있으시면 저에게 개인메세지주시면 바로보내드리겠습니다!
I've sent it through patreon messages instead!
If you haven't recieved anymessages after payment, Please contact me via messages and I'll send it again