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Sorry I should of got this out sooner to you guys but I've been on a roll getting a lot of stuff done. I am beyond the point I am showing you now but I'd like to show you the second stage of the game play loop, some might argue the best part, Grab Combat Stages! 

So if you remember from the last post, you block the elves attacks until her guard breaks which allows you to perform a counter that initiates the grab. In this mini game the goal is to click the signal as fast as you can which causes not only the intensity of the animation to increase, but helps to advance the combat until you eventually can capture the elf. Those water droplets above her head represent her exhaustion increasing which increases the length you can keep her grabbed. Once the clicker signal shrinks to zero the elf will break free.

I have fully implemented the characters status bars which help you to keep track of your progress through combat.

These are what the bars represent:

  • Guard - Once this hits zero you'll be able to counter her attack, she will refill some of her guard after being grabbed though.
  • Exhaustion - How hard it is for her to escape your grasp. There will be many ways to increase this.
  • Humiliation - Fill this bar to unlock a humiliation submission victory sex pose.
  • Lust - Fill this bar to unlock a lustful submission victory sex pose.

The Orc only has a Health and Cum bar. More on that later!

You might be wondering; how you fill the humiliation and lust bars? During the Grab Stages you'll see two extras signals appear and quickly disappear, one for humiliation and one for lust. The choice on which one to click is up to you but you'll have to think quick! The orc will then pick a humiliating action or a lustful one that increases either of those two bars but that doesn't mean you'll want to rely on just one or the other because those actions, depending on the grab pose provide all kinds of other combat related benefits, like some lustful actions giving you a little health...

...or like humiliating actions causing her more exhaustion.

But those are just two examples, every grab will have multiple variations of a humiliation or lust action which adds a small gamble to trying to get the status effect that you want, but they will always increase the humiliation or lust bars.

There is so much more that I could show you but I don't want to overload this one post. Real quick though I will show you how I improved the first combat stage by giving the orc some abilities. There will be other abilities to unlock but a level one Orc starts with two abilities, Jerk Off and Focus.

Jerk Off is a real complex magic system that I am still working on. It would take me awhile to explain so I'll save that one for later. Focus allows you to slow down time when the elf attacks, at the first level it only slows time by 25% so it doesn't look like much but after upgrading the skill through the XP system I have planned it will be much more powerful.

Watch out though because she has a few tricks of her own!

Okay, that's it for now! I will leave you with a couple extra screens to show that there is so much more going on in this scene that gifs can't do justice. One is of the the second Grab Stage Pose in development and the other is an early development Player's Cave, along with something else I've been working on, multiple Orcs to choose from. :)

One final thing I want to say! I'll probably iterate this with every progress update going forward. First of all I am making much better progress on this colossal project than I thought possible and better yet I am still enjoying myself. I hope to have the prologue to you guys sometime soon which may sound like I am far from releasing anything substantial but I plan on it containing a few sex poses alongside at least two grab poses and will probably be comparable to TSZ in terms of content and that would just be the prologue. Once I do release the prologue I am hoping the content drops start coming quickly after that. Similar to BBB.

That being said there is no way around the fact that this will take some development time and I am extremely grateful to all everyone who stuck around during this content drought! I hope you all feel like you are contributing to something really awesome because you are! I will be redoing my subscription tiers when I drop the prologue and for everyone who stuck around during the development will get grandfathered in to a great deal with my content so I hope you'll continue your support!

Talk to you soon!




Ooof! This will be quite the feat when it's finished. Hell, not to mention what you've already accomplished. Skyrim better watch out.

Nicholas Pratl

This is unreal. You are a god amongst men.

