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Hey guys! hope you all doing fine,

So this is an update of my status.

I been offline lately due to an issue with paypal not letting me retrive money, well because i'm stupid didn't have a backup plan and didn't have the money to pay bills since i rely on that money alone so i had to take a temporary job until the issue it's fixed. That along with exams this month didn't leave any time to work on mods.

I'm sorry for this lack of content, the good thing is that the issue has been fixed and once i'm done with exams (after octuber 2) i'll be working on mods again, i been working on port s of legends skills but sadly i didn't have time to finish them, i wanted to finish at least one mod and post it along with this but i didn't have the chance to finish. sorry for not having anything to give you guys. 

Thank you for the support as always i just wanted to let you know about the situacion but i would liked to have something else to share with you guys but alas. Hope you can understand and forgive me.



bro take ur time no rush needed


Take your time man. I understand


Everyone has the time to be patient, my dude. you do you and we will wait patiently

Hector merino

yes take your time dexio