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Hello guys hope you are all fine! i bring to you another skill request.

Requested by LHB7221.

It contains 3 skills:

Full Power Death Beam: A powerful and fast ki blast, you can charge it by keep pressing the skill command or with a cost of 2 ki bars you can charge it instantly pressing the skill command again.

Full Power Powerfrost Beam: Works the same way that the normal beam but it freezes the oponent and doesn't deal as much damage.

Full Power Venomous Beam: Again same as the other two skills but it cannot be instantly charged, it doesn't deal as much damage but it poisons the enemy.

That is it for now! hope you enjoy. 

I will be fixing my old skills and porting some of them to cacs like Elina's transformations if you could let me know what skills give you problems let me know and i'll fix them to work with the latest version of the game, is hard to keep track of them since i lost most of the files.

See you guys later and thanks for supporting me!


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