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OK second page. YAY our current speed is unacceptable though. so on the next page we're going to switch roles. and see if that's faster. as before if you guys catch anything that needs fixing as far as text. let me know. enjoy.



Avatar Juan

I just realized how much Alduin look like "RED EYES BLACK DRAGON" without arms.


Exactly how critical did you want us to be with the text beyond typos and punctuation? I don't want to be "that guy", but some of the dialogue just seems off. Not wrong. Just odd.


If you want to correct the spelling, then the first sentence should be "deafened" and "its".


That first panel is pure gold, the sun behind NOT alduin makes for an even more intimidating scene. The three panel chase scene is quite nice, I like how in its third panel the force of the breath has blasted our main characters hair with a mighty gust. In the second to last panel thanks for making the flames follow the laws of physics XD, both those blokes wont be getting the cold shoulder for a long while. Though the only change I would make is in the last panel where I feel the dragon could have been given large muscle mass or size to correspond with the MIGHTY THREAT OF BOOM AND DEATH.


I was wondering how you split the work for such a panel ? Do you color the base tone and Bellum adds in the details ? Or is it a more elaborate mix :)


Hello Marky! :) To answer your question, i was tasked with colors and Onagi was drawing and inking the pages. The process on my end was pretty slow due to a work flow that required alot of separation of coloring elements. Elements that would be to edited by Onagi. So we've made the move to switch jobs. Onagi will be doing the pencil work and cell shade coloring. I myself will be inking his drawings and painting in some elements. Such as the backgrounds in panel 1, 6, along with effects like the dragon fire.