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OK folks, unfortunately we will not make the 27th deadline for the first issue, but were still working our asses off. this Project is proving to be twice as long and twice as detailed as my past comics. I takes me a whole day to trace one page. but i think you're all gonna like the result. so here's the current state of the comic at the moment All the pages are sketched. some getting re-worked. 5 pages are traced, ones being colored. I'm currently working on the tracing and Bellum is on the coloring. So to keep you guys from having to wait. we will start posting the pages as they are completed, and then package them up with the extras and send them out when the whole issue is competed. first page should be up some time this week. As for the website i have one made, but im having trouble setting up a decent forum. any one have any suggestions? Next week i will start taking Info for cameos in the second issue.



Kristina Mahan

Can't say I'm surprised you guys wont make the deadline


Well, we're doing the best we can. wile forsaking all others. Which has made a few of my customers upset with me, but this take priority.


Glorious preview! I'm looking forward to seeing the dialogue quite a bit.

Anios Selindar

Seems really outstanding ! :0 i don't mind any deadline and the time it will take ; this is gonna be definitely glorious ! Awesome work Onagi/Bellum ! Keep it up guys ! :)


I like your choice of sex positions. I'm a fan of the lotus position and variations of it. The sensual sex frames where she's sitting astride his lap and kissing or she's snuggling him close to her chest are sexy and affectionate. They're really enjoying being with each other.


Relax and take your time, I'm fine with waiting as long as it takes.


I'd rather wait another year for a better and more detailed comic, so don't stress it, dude :)


I would like to here what is the estimated time for first issue.


i thought pages were going to be posted when completed? it's been quiet a while since the 27th...


first pages should be up any day now. Bellum is still coloring and I'm still tracing.


are we at the 25 pledge level still getting the other comics as well? Havent heard what was up with that so just wondering.