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Since apparently, I'm not working fast enough for some people's taste...I thought I'd give you all an update about what's in the pipeline for us, lest you were of the opinion that I'm sitting around on my ass making pinups...apparently

Chun Li / Lei Fang threesome - 85%: The principle animation is all finished, voice work for Lei Fang and Chun Li is done, waiting on Jan Lees. I can't make the VAs work for faster folks...

Nina Willimas Bonus scene Interrogation 2 - 90%: Animation is all finished, voice work is finished, and it's currently out to Seeker77 for lip sync. both of these will be finished before the month ends.

Sudden Death EP1 - 35%: all of the hardest parts are done. I.E. the fight sequence and boring exposition sequences, its already at 5 min run time, and i haven't even gotten to the sex scene yet. But it's looking good. I'm super excited about this. Realistically, it will be out early next month.

Tina's #1 Fan - 40%: most of the animation is finished, and will be shipped off for voice work soon. should be finished in April.

Ayane POV Pornhub feature - 75% Principle animation is finished, need to animate the climax, then its ready for voice work. April Release as well.

So two vids are incoming this month, and 3 set for next month...All of this requires Writing, animation, Model making, voice work, Lip sync, and video editing. We're all hard at work. The only reason I'm making pin-up is just for promotion and engagement. This is a business, if I'm not active on social media while things are in production our revenue does not grow. so chill friend.

So yeah, more pin ups on the way lol.




yes, that looks very promising. From my impression alot of your patreons including me are rather happy with your work ethics and especially the high quality of your animations (also the VAs do a really good job) so no need to worry :)


Some people will always complain, for those of us that actually appreciate how much work you guys put into these we will be patiently waiting


Don't rush things. Good things take time. Thanks for the update!

Andrew LaVoie

No rush. Haters will hate and there's a dime a dozen creators who make 20 second long videos if the need a video every week. Ignore them.


Please ignore anyone who's pushing you, and just keep on doing what you do so well.


Take your time for quality sake and also as a fan I appreciate the project status report.


Take your time and keep on making great stuff, progress update is definitely appreciated though


Take your time, they don't know how much work there's behind these! And I kinda like these pinup images

David Rudisill

Great work, and I'm not nagging you over the speed of content. Really loving the Tina one.


Tinas biggest(source)fan! Its me ... TINA TINA TINAAAAAAAA. I am most excited for that one for sure.