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FREAKIN AWESOME! Thank you all very Very much. word cannot express how super stoked we are. I know this post isn't much of a thank you. but by next weekend i will have more exciting and substantial news! So this will start the transfer process. starting this week "after the 1st." we will buy the required Gear and get started. so stay tuned!




Can I just ask this here, the $5 is still just a one time payment? I'm seeing talk of "monthly payments" and "Your support for this month". Is this a continuing payment?


well originally last summer it was a one time for the skyrift project. we a starting a monthly program now, which covers new content, and new artists to help us get things done faster. the monthly pledge tiers are $1 and $5

Anios Selindar

Awesome yeaaaaah ! You deserved it guyz ! :3 Gratz !


Looking forward to this mighty promising series you'll be making!


I'm pretty pumped for this series as well