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So I've a few folks write in and comment on the Voice performance on the Mai vid,  and how her Japanese was not good or "horrendous"...

I could write an angry expletive laced essay about this but patron is warning me about the use of my language, so ill keep it short.

1. This is not constructive criticism its just rude. YOU'RE BEING RUDE! The VA's are our coworkers and many of them follow us and can see the kinds of comments you leave. So next time please just keep your negative opinion to yourself. I am aware that the language represented was not accurate, but WE'RE LUCKY THAT THESE GIRLS DO THIS WORK FOR US AT ALL! so stop complaining. If you know VA's who could have done better, than cool, politely slide their profiles into my DMs, if not then just keep it to yourself. Thanks.

Just take two seconds to think about the process here. I have to find a GOOD VA, with QUICK TURNAROUND, who could SPEAK JAPANESE, and TRANSLATE it from the script i wrote in ENGLISH, which doesn't always work, and is willing to do NSFW content. There's a lot of moving parts there. if you're criticism was just "the lip sync was terrible" i wouldn't really care. that's on me. But don't rip into these girls, they work hard, just so you guys can enjoy some porn...ultimately just try to keep in mind that the creators who make this stuff are people.




Love the Christmas Creampie upload and it sure does gave me a suprise when Mai spoke in Japanese! Yes, it’s not native but it sure does fits the character well. Please don’t take those haters too seriously. You and your team are already doing the god’s work here.


Why neckbeards gotta ruin everything like it's literally porn bro stfu. That whole video was God tier front to back homie keep doing the Lord's work.


funny i was about to say how the japanese voice add it was a refresing new way to do your animation i love it


What I find funny about these types is that they're not the experts they think they are. What, because you binge anime all day (with subtitles on), you think you know the first thing about fluent Japanese? You suddenly think you're qualified to run around giving people pointers on how to speak Japanese "properly"? Mimicking what you think you heard in a cartoon makes you an expert? A little self-awareness goes a long way, and the guys that pull this kind of nonsense don't have enough self-awareness to fill a paper cup. And don't cower behind the excuse that it's "constructive criticism"; that's not what it is, and you damn well know it. Good of you to put those clowns in their place, they don't hear it enough. Don't let this kind of stuff dissuade you from experimenting more often, and it certainly shouldn't stop the VA's from giving it their all.


screw the haters. Also I appreciate this new kink of hearing women orgasm in different languages. Really loving your past work with Lei Fang speaking Chinese and Lisa Hamilton speaking bits of Spanish. Would love to see future works such as Helena with French, Angel and Lisa with more Spanish, Christie with a UK accent, and etc for the girls of different nationalities.


I love it when Dean said "Who the hell is Andy?"


I don’t know if it’s a recent phenomenon or a bunch of salty douchebags nitpicking every little thing, but to these particular douchebags in this case I say: go out and touch some goddamned grass, get a life and stop acting like your the Roger Ebert of porn. You’re not, your some asshole with an overinflated sense of self worth, or better yet, if you’re so learned and wise, make your own stuff so we can critique your work with all the grace and civility you’ve shown to these actresses. To the actual people who worked on this, animators and actresses alike, I appreciate the hard work you put in and I hope the opinions of a few mongoloids don’t discourage you. You do fine work in your craft and you deserve to be commended for it. Also on a less piss and vinegar laden front, happy new year to you as well.


People will go out of their way to put down the art you're creating. They'll even scoff at the notion of what you've made to be called art, but it is art. The fact that you and those alongside you put together this vid with shot composition, writing, and even voice work, shows that you're putting (passion, I hope), more thought, time, and effort into the thing you're creating.


Voice was fine. Weeb's watching too much anime and think there linguistic professionals now


Nowadays it is fashionable to complain in full, and this is the best example. If the video would have been horrible in every way I believe you. But don't come to fuck with us because of the voice acting, the truth is that these morons don't know how much people who know two languages charge, or any Japanese who is studying for voice acting. Simply TOP KEK, Dual Face We know your work and the quality of it, so fuck the haters.


Voice was fine, video was amazing. Fucking weebs.


That sucks that people have the nerve to complain, I've not watched the video yet but I often leave comments to say how good the VA work is on your videos. It really adds a lot to your work and I've never had an issue with it. Your a great combo of voice and animation.


On occasion I don't like the casting on a character but if I don't have a thing to offer to work on I'm not gonna be a fucking dick to a stranger for a performance. If you can watch a long-running anime with a frustrating voice you can give a pass to a porn one-shot ffs. EDIT: I just watched it out of curiosity and that woman is a treasure for helping make a genuinely cool porn video. The writing actually made me laugh a few times, too.


Screw the haters I say