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HEY! to the asshole leaking our content to a free site that specifically leaks content from creators on patreon, subscribestar, gumroad, discord, and others, only to make money off our hard work by selling ad space...you're are the worst kind of lazy piece of shit in existence!

I see you! i know there's not much i can do to stop this. but I'm gonna do everything i can. Seriously! creators like us NEED the income we make. An i think this is all pretty pathetic considering I charge $1 fucking dollar to sub our content.???

i wont win but i'm gonna do every thing i can to make this harder for you.




Good luck.


people like that are the scum of the earth. hope that piece of shit gets what's coming to him


Really sorry to hear man. It’s not fair to you guys who work so hard to give really high quality content. Hope you can stop it as much as you can.


What an absolute asshole


This is a reason why many creators give up. Many leakers try to clean their conscience (if any) throwing at creators: "Hey dude, we give you free exposure!" Exposure to what? Haters? Should you catch this guy it's too bad it's illegal to leak his personal details in return. You know... for "free exposure" ;-)


Yeah this individual seems like a real asshole so im gonna go as far as i can. On their website there's a link to submit a DMAC...but its TO THEM. when you submit one you have to list your personal information which means that this individual cant DOX you. They're on twitter bragging about it...


Its unavoidable sadly, the worst thing is you don't know who it is, It could be me, the person above, or somebody who never comments. Just be thankful for us faithful ones who would rather pay than sneak it off a free site. Piracy will never end.


Honestly, if you want to take some time from animating to dedicate your full attention to making it as difficult as possible for the loser to keep this up, i would not blame you.


this fucker got a name? I mean…it’d be a shame if someone outed him on Twitter and rained an unholy storm of internet vigilantes on him…


yeah, thats sad, especially since i can imagine its really hard to make a living from content creation and deal with all the insecurity involved (like will patreon just ban me for some shit fake reason) and in the end if people dont have theire income they need from the content they amke, they will just have to go back to a boring 9 to 5 job and we loose the content they make. Sadly i have no idea what to do about that unless you are a big company and can afford to hire some lawyers.


The fuck? Someone actually bothered to fucking be 'THAT GUY'? ....jesus christ what a loser.


I know how it feels bro, ill make sure to look out for your content and report them. My patrons and followers do the same for me as well. So if any of you happen to see DualFaces content anywhere that doesn't belong just flag it. Its either a lurker or someone who pretends to be a loyal fan. I just dont understand the point of it. It ruins it for everybody.


It's really disheartening to read about such stuff. I swear some people must have quite a pathetic life to show such level of disrespect to your hard work. I hope you will find that prick.


Some fucking people yo. Like I understand the desire to want leaked content in some cases. I can even understand the reasoning to leak content out of spite. Because honestly there are some creators raking it in, don't have free content for people to sample so they know that the quality of content is worth the high paywall. And don't deliver on content promises. But sadly most of the time leaking situations are not that, maybe 1/50 is that situation. The rest is hard working creators like yourself who have low cost tier's for content, have lots of free content & and need those subscriptions. So leaking does a lot of harm. It's really quite fucked up.

Just a Animator

Who is this person doing this? Do you have their name?


Probably for the best if he doesn't tell us the name, if he does know it. The guy might be a douche but sending angry fans on him is only going to make things worse and stir up more drama then there needs to be. Just posting this warning should be enough.