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If you didn't know our Felicia stickers are up for sale in the merch store!


Who should be our next sticker Waifu?! comment below.




I’d absolutely buy Honoka stickers 💖


I really want a thiccc Felicia Model like that. I think a SFV gal could work as a base to start.


sorry i dont know how to model but i'll draw more thicc Felicia to hold ya over if ya like XD -BELLUM


I'm thinking Kea from Skyrift. You could bring her back in stickers.


Stealth and I are actually working on that. -Onagi


I'm no expert but isn't there some kind of copyright issue here?


From what i can tell, No. Because its our own art work i guess it falls under fan art. there are dozens of other sticker, and clothing companies that sell unlicensed crap online and at conventions all the time. that said if we were hit with a cease and desist order I would absolutely comply. But i haven't really found a case of this happening yet unless it was damaging to the brand. E.I. Blizzard having Studio FOW remove their WOW content. some companies like Disney are more litigious than others especially were domestic copywrite law is concerned. but international is more tricky and they often don't bother. Again, if we are asked to remove this I absolutely will. but i see dozens of other people doing this online and im pretty sure they don't have licensing for it.


I just saw this. Omg yes 😃. It'd be awesome if she had all the various color options.