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Lately we've had a lot of new patrons, which is fantastic, welcome. But this has led to some questions about our tier system, which I will try to clear up now. I think a lot of folks wander into our Patreon and just assume we hide all the good stuff in the highest tier. "which is what a lot of people do."  but this actually isn't the case here here on DFAC. It was always my intention to keep the price of our ACTUAL content as inoffensive as possible. So here is the Simplest explanation.

The $1 gets you access to all the FINISHED PRODUCT CONTENT. All finished episodes, videos and comics can be viewed here.

The $5 and $20 are more about the patrons level of participation in the creative process. Giving you all some level of choice in the content.

$5 gives you access to the user polls, and the ability to see WIP peeks at what we're working on.

$20 was meant to allow people to view live streams and have access to VR videos! However giving only certain people access to the streams has a complication, and right now we only have the one VR vid of Ophelia. I will work to rectify both of these issues ASAP.

Now there are some other things listed on on our Tier items that we've been failing to deliver on lately like the pin ups, and the issues i just listed. But as of late our focus has changed because our budget has been increasing. and we're starting to eye BIGGER projects like Oni Seed who's episodes will be 3 min, instead of the 1 min AMOZ episodes ive done in the past.

The positive: OUR BUDGET IS BIGGER! this is fantastic, and with this, Bellum and I have bought new gear. Ive been able to Hire Stealth211 and Mark2580 to make a slew of new models and maps "new girls". We've been able to hire voice actors more frequently, and now we have a bit of a team going. Which i am super excited about.

The Negative: Things we need to work on. Delivering on the promised Tier benefits, getting more 2D work for you guys, VR vids, and obviously more Ophelia. A few folks are still waiting on commissions. My point is we are hearing your concerns. So i will spend a good amount of time this month to make sure we make good on these issues as best we can.

Thank you all for your support!




As far as VR goes Idk if you are planning new works for it (which i think is great), but i hope you are considering some older(within what you have since the last HD crash) and recent works.