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In preparation for Oni Seed production we got a new Christie model. Shes looking real good. As well as some DOAtec Mercs! lol 

FUG, last month flew by faster then Id like. Im still working on lip sync for the Lisa quarantine it will be out soon. I'll do what i can to get some other smaller content going for you guys as well.




Soooo is going to be like chapters and when are we getting the first one if it is ?

Kevin Mendez

If you wanna give us some smaller stuff, some more pinups wouldn’t be a bad thing. Just a little something to hold us until your god tier animations. Just my two cents.


Yes it will be in episodes. each one will be about 3 min long. My plan is to start on them in fall as i want to finish quarantine first. BUT depending on when i get our new RYU model it may start earlier. Since i only require Nyo, Momiji, and Ruy for that episode. I already have the other two. so we'll see


This series will have a pretty big voice cast. so i may do some animations for voice auditions and post those for you guys to enjoy.


Nice I'm still had the honoka video one ono seed is been the project that make me subscribe


oh, she looks great, hope to see her in action soon.