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Well now that KHEX is done "that was a long time coming" all of you have see what it looks like now that popabear has traced those pages. how would you feel if the second issue of skyrift was done in this manner? it would still be color. just his tracing "which is faster i must point out."



I think it would be good! Keep up the great work!


Which ever way gets us the product you advertised in a way that respects your personal use of time and effort. If you believe this is the best way to move forward then by all means do so.


I didn't mind his trace work. By all means go ahead.


Pretty much agree 100% with SorrowBorn. Quality looks good as always and unaffected. I can dig it. As long as ya dont rush.


Lookin' Good, do what works best o(^-^)b

Anios Selindar

Same as everyone ; quality is nice so yeah, go ahead with it ! ;p


Looks good to me.


It looks good I'd say go for it