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Here we go. hope we don't get in trouble...




You misspelled "while: in the last bubble. Other then that, awesome. When can we expect some more pages? I prefer this pace. :P


Loveitloveitloveit!! Great work :) Aside from dingo1489's correction, there should also be a comma after "travel" so it's "travel, lass" and it should be "your beliefs", not "you're".


Nice page, I had been wondering how the dialogue moved the action on so quickly :D Speaking of which, are the next couple of pages going to be uploaded here or elsewhere? Cause going by the thumbnails you posted before they're going to get pretty graphic.


Patreon allow 18+ stuff, many FA artists have patreons and upload adult rated art so I really don't think this will be an issue :P


In trouble for the boob slip? There are many FA artists on Patreon which upload adult rated art so as long as you state on your Patreon that this comic will contain 18+ related stuff then I see no issue. I really love the move to make her a follower of Dibella xD I guess many of the females in this comic is sharing the same beliefs


Nice Page ^^

Frankh of Fethdor

I went back a few pages and now suspect this blonde guy was not the guy that saved her. Of course, who's gonna turn a hottie like that down when she wants to thank you ?