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Here's page for...ugh this page was probably the hardest in the entire comic. a lot of different color pallets on one page. Thank god its over, fun stuff is coming lol. Sorry about the delay on this one. I was without my Wacom last week. really slowed me down but i'm back at it now. page 5 should be up tomorrow night i think. Enjoy Also a bit of a problem coming up. some of the more adult stuff will be coming up soon and i'm not sure i can post that here if its just for patrons, can anyone fill me in on that? are other artists doing it? still working to get faster, Don't hit me!



Anios Selindar

Don't rush yourself, that's my main request ! ^^ I don't mind the time it take as long as you keep quality over deadlines ! ;) About patreons rules on NSFW art, from the FAQ (<a href="http://www.patreon.com/faq)">http://www.patreon.com/faq)</a> : "Is my adult/erotic content allowed on Patreon? What is allowed? Patreon is open to all types of art! Because sexuality is a common theme in many great works of art, Patreon does not ban work featuring nudity or other sexual content. However, we also want Patreon to be safe and browseable for children and young adults, so please use discretion and common sense: if your artwork could potentially make someone uncomfortable (with violent or sexual themes), please make your posts “patron only,” so that only your supporters are able to see your work, and please do not use explicit language in the title, url, or public description of your Patreon page. Please also mark your page as “private” in the settings menu so that only users with the url can view it. Unfortunately, patrons of creators who make NSFW art will not be able to use Paypal as a payment method. What is not allowed? Pornography is not allowed on Patreon. “Pornography” is defined as material designed with the sole intention of eliciting sexual arousal. Specifically, Patreon does not allow: -Close up depictions of intercourse, masturbation, or genitalia -Depictions of sexual bodily fluids -Any sexual content depicting underage subjects -Anything we forgot to put on this list but makes our users uncomfortable Please, use common sense! We don’t want to remove your account, but we also can’t ignore feedback from our users. If we get multiple complaints about your account, we will contact you once with a friendly reminder to make your posts patron only, set your page to private, and remove explicit language from your page. After that friendly reminder, if we hear from our users again, we reserve the right to turn into the Incredible Hulk and remove your account. You must be at least 18+ years of age to view any adult content or we reserve the right to terminate your account." The most "safer" way would be to post a link (imgur/dropbox/blogger/personal website/etc...) of next pages, imo.