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The Taste of Humiliation



Joey will there be a jjk upload today?


Lelouch Geass on Euphy was an accident when he lost control of it for overusing it like Mao. He lied to Suzaku about the reason because telling Suzaku it was an accident would sound like another lie, which is ironic since he did lie to sound more convincing

Andreas H

To add on to this, Pretty much everything he said during that convo was a lie. He made himself out to sound selfish and egotistic, taking on all blame, not giving any excuses to kind of disarm Suzaku. It's like Suzaku was attacking him with knifes (with his accusations) But since he just took all the blame on to himself he took them all away from him so he couldn't use them. It's a good tactic if you are argumenting with someone. Take away all their ammo and then they can't keep arguing.