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Damn, Suzaku...that's a dirty play 😵



Love this reaction joey, and hopefully u Finnish FMAB series this year it's a banger♥️♥️♥️

mwahavip v

This may be an unpopular opinion but ugh!!!! I can't stand Suzaku! 🙄


I don't really understand why people are against Suzaku. He wants to liberate Japan, and by gaining control over Area 11 and make Nunnally the viceroy. Japan will gain sovereignity. That's like half of Lelouch goal too. Only difference is Suzaku is fine with stopping in liberating Japan, Lelouch also wants to take down the royal family. So purely from Lelouch's perspective this is bad, as the Black Knight is getting what they want, a free Japan, but Zero can't push against the royal family anymore. Suzaku wants Lelouch to not continue as Zero due to the methods he uses being bloody, while Suzaku is more of a pacifist. So they kinda have the same goal, different methods, and Suzaku's is less violent which is usually good. Only problem is Suzaku's methods doesn't include a revolution and taking down the royal family


Adding, I do understand that Lelouch is the main character and from his POV Suzaku keeps getting in the way and being a hindrance, but from the POV of Japan Suzaku has their best interest in his mind, considering he is Japanese himself

Blitz Cam

Yeah, it is a problem with Suzaku not wanting to kill people, but he chose to join the military of Britannia to try and make a difference instead of maybe taking a more political approach. But he is better at combat than creating and executing plans, which Lelouch excels at.


But Suzaku himself avoids killing. His method is basically trying to appeal to the inside and convince a bully to stop bullying while Lelouch is using dirty tactics to fight fire with fire and has way more blood on his hands, innocent and non innocent. Suzaku's methods would have succeeded with Euphy's plan but Lelouch's ego to want to liberate Japan and kill off the royal family stood against it. And to be clear, I love flawed characters which is why enjoy both Lelouch and Suzaku

Shinjira .

So happy CG has resumed!! I always feel that your reactions for this anime is spot on, so hypeee!