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‘Bro got Toji vibes’ 😂 A friend years ago kept telling me to watch OP and I eventually watched the first 6eps, but didn’t get into it really and stopped. Gotta agree with you on watching this 1st ep. of the live action making me curious about the anime again. Might give it another chance. The amount of eps. definitely makes it a bit of a daunting task. 😅

liam joyce

one piece will probably be one of the best things youll ever watch its just alot of episodes to be honest if you watched the live action it gets passed alot of the early boring stuff and the anime from that point is solid think it covers to ep 50-60


That’s good to know. If I continue to like the live action watching through Joeys reactions, I’ll really consider giving it another shot. Knowing me, I’d still start from ep. 1, and just look forward to getting to ep.50/60.


this a kidz show, for children, no one dies in the anime... 10 mins in zoro slices and dices