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Today's my last day in this blue lights room of mine 🔵 So I want to make sure to record a bunch of videos today while I still have it.  This way I'll have videos to roll out while I'm moving, too.  Should be moved in by Aug 30th, but not sure when Wi-Fi will be set up.  I'm assuming 1st week of September...AGHHH cant wait to finally get back in my work mode!! LFG 🔥


Lijnaito2021 !

First off, congratulations on the new place bro! You definitely deserve it. Second off, I wanted to let you know that the next episode episode 27 is actually a recap episode, but it features new information that you don't want to miss and it's a very interesting way they do a recap. I would not skip it if I was you. The reason it's a recap episode is because that was the end of this current arc. We're moving on to a new art but it was two years since production so they did a recap episode but added new information. That will help pull you back into episode 28. So in my opinion it's worth the watch

Sandaru Siriwardana

Also that last scene is one of my favorite moments in all of anime. Love when he punches through that door just to let Al’s body know that he’s coming back for him. Gives me goosebumps every single time.


Him breaking back through the door and that song hitting at that same time just goes so hard.