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Brandon Guzman

It symbolizes how Karasuno is catching up to Oikawa and is just within arms reach

Mu Lopes

So, just explaining something real quick: Yamaguchi (number 12) is a pinch server, a pinch server enters only to serve, when they fail the serve or the other team is able receive and score, by rule the server must be switched, so the pinch server leaves the court. A server is able to remain serving as long as their team scores, that's why Oikawa is so scary when serving, 'cause even if he doesn't score on the serve itself, it usually messes with the structure of the adversary team, making it hard to counterattack properly and facilitating Seijoh's score sequence. OBS: If that's still confusing, you can ask any specific questions that might help you understand it more clearly, I'll be glad to answer! :)