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It’s really fun to see your reactions ❤️ FMA is one of my fav anime’s and I love experiencing it all over again!

Sandaru Siriwardana

Lmao I love this outro just because of the crazy transition from a tense cliffhanger to a soft voice saying “Let it all out”

Alex Wu

joey looks like he lost his brain in certain angles due to the colors lol


Nice fit joey :)


Whoever talked you into watching this in dub must be sacrificed to make Philosopher Stone. Not gonna lie dub is actually decent but they just can't capture all the emotions. Especially Ed's whenever he's calling Al when he's in danger. Mustang's jap voice suits him better. And you won't even hear much difference in Ed and Al's voice in sub. I hope you switch to sub especially at the later part of the series when it gets real serious.

DJ Zarebear

you gotta post more FMAB in a week! im dying for more! and with like 63 episodes, you wont be done until next year D: