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I don’t know why I never did this before 😂

Fire away.



Hi, hope you’re feeling better! I’ve been curious for awhile, will you be doing any reactions for series/shows other than anime? Like you did for Squid Game and Arcane?


least favorite/most favorite job you've ever worked?


That is the LONG TERM goal. Movies too since I haven’t seen A LOT of big movies/franchises ..ex. Harry Potter, lord of the rings, etc. but it doesn’t make sense at the moment to do all that just yet.


Least favorite = TGI Fridays working as a cook. 💀 / Most favorite = Probably selling cars at Carmax. You can learn A LOT about people, money & life in general working in sales 🤷‍♂️


How to be good at making music?


having worked in both a kitchen and (currently) a garage, i totally get you. I do NOT miss my days in food service lmao. much happier doing what i am now


Gotcha. That’s awesome though! You’re reactions are always so fun, so it’s great to know there will be more to look forward to! 😁


I would highly suggest start by learning the piano tbh. And practice it everyday. Even if it’s just 20-30 min a day. Then move on to finding a music software and COMMIT to learning it. Then same thing. Practice it everyday.


Oh yeah in mind my mind, this is just the tip of the iceberg 😈 squid Game was the first series I ever reacted to and i wasn’t expecting to enjoy reacting to episodes instead of music so much. It’s felt so natural and I love it!


Where did you pick up your sense of humor? as in where did you learn those quick on the fly comebacks?


Is there going to be a reaction to the 3rd My Hero movie anytime soon, now that you've caught up to the anime ?


I HAVE 0 IDEA. I honestly laugh at my own videos when I go back and watch them and I always think to myself “how did I come up with that?” ..maybe streaming for some years helped because on my streams I’m constantly trying to be entertaining every second. But idk , might be a cheap answer but I think I just have a talent for it


Definitely will be! Just have to do it on the right day when I have the energy for it. Reacting to a movie is like 5-6 reactions worth in 1 sitting 😅 ..also I’m hyped for it because it’ll feel nice to see the MHA crew before the madness in season 6 again tbh ..AND I was told my boy Bakugo shows out so I’m even more hyped for that


this is something that I've been curious about for a while, but would you ever react to "non-modern" songs on your main channel? the reason I ask is because I've been getting a lot of older song reactions popping up in my recommended, and found myself wondering what your reaction would be to them. I know that if you do start reacting to old songs it will inevitably lead to you getting overwhelmed with requests. but even if you don't end up reacting to this artist in any way, I totally recommend you check out Nujabes, an amazing Japanese hip hop artist. tbh I'm not that knowledgable when it comes to what makes a song 'good', but I can honestly say that the 'Luv Sic Hexalogy" by Nujabes made me ugly cry once or twice

Ashley Martin

What got you into making music? Did you go to any music schools or was it purely something you put your mind to and accomplished?


When will we get to see your killer dance moves?


Okay, now I’m super duper excited for future reactions! 😆 I’m also happy to know that you’ve been enjoying making these reactions. You have a really good energy about you all the time and your sense of humor never fails to make me laugh. Thanks for the amazing content!


Any plans to visit Japan? Would gladly watch your vlog and stuff


Would you ever considering reacting to your first time watches of shows like aot? Just to see you make fun of yourself

liam joyce

Just wanted to say thank you Joey as someone who struggles with mental/physical health problems having your reactions/streams for the past 9 months or so has been a nice way to just switch my brain off and laugh keep it up my man I hope for nothing but success for you

Mu Lopes

How did/do you deal with the insecurities around being a music producer and content creator? Both are considered high risk careers for the majority of people, maybe even you would agree with that. I ask 'cause I aim to be a professional writer one day, but I'm currently dedicating most of my time to a different future. I'm not one to do crazy things like dropping everything and writing my ass off, nor expect you to give me some miraculous advice, but I really want to understand how other artists deal with the insecurities, pressure, etc.


I’m never opposed to it, it’s just a matter of having limited to time/energy to devote to music reactions lately 🤦‍♂️ plus I have to make sure to keep views up to attract sponsors on the main channel so I’m very very careful on what I make reaction videos to. I’m not opposed to “older” songs for reacting AT ALL! it’s such a deep rabbit hole to dive down , so don’t count anything out.


I know that at my school my parents had me take a band class in 4th grade so I h ad to choose an instrument. So I went with the saxophone; 5th grade my dad got me a tape recorder 👴and I just sing random songs I made up about sports and stuff into it lol then I also got a keyboard in 6th grade so I started making beats on that. ON TOP OF ALL THAT my brother started rapping for people at his school and that inspired me to try it too. That’s pretty much it lol


Never had any interest in doing so at all until 2 things: 1) tried some Bokksu Japanese snacks and 2) I watched a Japanese Vlog channel of a guy who goes around interviewing ppl in Japan ..made me want to see what the vibe is like out there for sure!


😭😭 MAYBE.. it sounds entertaining enough, I might just have to try it to see how it goes.


I know how that feels believe it or not, for 1 reason or another. I think it’s important for everyone to have that healing type of content… it used to be the show Impractical Jokers for me lol worked everytime


What did you enjoy most when learning the various computer programs needed to produce music? It just seems to me that it would be too much fun making small bits of music to really double down on making something like an entire damn album. (well done on the work so far btw =) )


I can talk all day about this lol the short answer is, I’m able to overcome it because I love and enjoy what I do too much to let anything get in my way. I’m ALL IN and that’s that. The long answer is when it comes to insecurities, it still haunts me. If I was totally secure with myself, I wouldn’t be wearing a hat every video now would I 😂👴 ..and aside from that, comments and ridicule have ABSOLUTELY gotten the best of me before and still do sometimes. But it’s part of the job.. I get to make my own hours and do what I want everyday as a creative, but hate comments and putting myself out there to be publicly judged daily is the price to pay. Gratitude is what helps overcome those things. With all that said, I was working regular jobs and going to school but coming home and working towards my REAL goals every single day. I was obsessed with it and when I finally started to make more money from music/YouTube than my actual job, I decided to take the leap. It’s been 4-5 years since then and it’s the been the life altering change I need to really excel. with all THAT said.. this career has 0 and I mean ZERO guarantees of a tomorrow so I make sure to save A LOT. That helps me sleep at night with no issues. That’s all I’m willing to type 😂😂


The answer for that 1 is easy… LISTENING TO MY FINISHED WORK IN THE CAR OR AROUND THE HOUSE!! And showing the music to friends too.. that was always what made it rewarding even when the music was obviously 🗑️ at first lol

Agent X

Love your content man. Not asking you to watch, but there's actually another Fullmetal Alchemist anime before the one you're watching. It went in a different route because the manga wasn't finished while it was being made and while many hate it, I think it's interesting the direction they took. When you finish, I highly recommend going on Youtube and watching some of the differences, or even the ending, because they are really crazy.


Favorite ice cream flavor?


Also judging by this comment section, this QnA was partly a mistake


I've been watching your content since 2019 when you used to react to a lot of NF songs, and I love your sense of humor. Once you started to react to TV shows like Arcane and Attack On Titan I started to watch your videos on a more regular basis and I have a few random questions. 1.) What is your favorite show/anime of all time? 2.) What is your favorite TV show sound track (specifically which song)? 3.) How do you choose which anime/shows to react to? 4.) Do ever consider reacting to OPM (One Punch Man) or JJBA (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure)? 5.) Where are missing episodes of your reactions? (Code Geass 10-15, Haikyuu 1-9) I can't seem to find them here on Patreon

Mu Lopes

Thank you for the honest answer, man. Really appreciate it! Lucky squad!🍀


I just saw your Oshi no Ko E8 reaction and i immediately saw the light. hypnotizing moves.


oh youtube is where i can see it? i've actually been looking for it on the low! trying to find a site where i can watch it without catching a virus 😅 ..because i actually went and watched some scenes from the first episodes of the 1999 hunter x hunter to see the difference! it's actually really cool to see and hear the differences in soundtracks, how scenes play out, etc


just got to go with cookie dough tbh. incredible and always comes through in the clutch


you want to know what's crazy? i think i've only reacted to 3 or 4 NF songs...i could be wrong..but it hasn't been that much lol ..reacting to tv series though has felt so damn good ..and it's kind of less pressure than reacting to music. however, i do want to get a system down packed soon where i'm reacting to series & music regularly. THAT'S when Lucky Squad will really take off!!! Anyways... 1) Impractical Jokers or The Office..maybe Family Guy is in there/ Attack on Titan (it's still early in my weeb career tho 😡) & My Hero Academia a VERY close 2nd 2) I hate this answer because it's so recent, but it's between You Say Run & Apple Seed...I hate my answer because they're both anime OSTs lol ...but keep in mind I almost NEVER watched tv series before starting these reactions! I haven't seen many shows!!! 3) Pure curiosity. If I hear about a show that intrigues me, I just go for it. It's not about recommendations or anything...I feel that's not the way to go because everyone has different taste. What sounds & seems interesting to me is what I'm willing to commit to! 4) Both of those are on my list for future anime reactions, but I'm not sure exactly when they'll happen. 5) Trying looking up abbreviations like HU!, HKYU, HU, HU! and CG and even typing the full titles "Code Geass" and "Haikyu!!" . They're here on Patreon I promise. Patreon's search system isn't the best. One of these days I should find a way to organize things better. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!


How much is 2+2?

Agent X

I don't think they have episodes on there. Unfortunately I myself haven't had the chance to watch it in full, but there is this one Youtuber who goes over the differences between the two series in detail. If you really want to watch it you may have to go onto certain sites, unless maybe someone on here knows a better way. Regardless I recommend you watch it in some way. The crazy part is once you get past the manga part, everything's original so you're not spoiling.


Check out prison school it's a comedy anime, u might like it 👍


Any chance you'll branch out to horror genre anime? I reccomend Another

Adrian Cioban

I think I asked in a previous post but did you react to the 2nd OP of Spy x Family?