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I know, I know...it's late 😭 BUT IT'S HERE!



No worries! I was more worried that something had happened to you. Hope you’re all good! Excited to see your reaction to this!


season 2 is a prequel of the movie


I had a feeling you might prefer the Fushiguro moment over this one, but that’s cool. I love your reactions because you give your honest opinions. It took awhile for me to warm up to Fushiguro and Nobara actually. These last eps. really let them shine and I felt I got to understand them better. Over all, I wasn’t won over with the series after S1. It had awesome moments and ppl I instantly liked or didn’t like (Mahito annoys me 😑), but I wasn’t totally invested in the story. I picked up where the show left off in the manga to see where things would go and S2 stuff is what got me fully invested! I watched the movie about 2 months ago. I actually thought it was just okay, so I’m curious to see your reaction.


Whens the stream?

Lijnaito2021 !

I think the reason that that fight hypes people up a lot is because the song that's playing actually matches the movements of the fight. Like when it kept bouncing between them in the song it was also bouncing it. Just it's a cool feature. Plus it's a dope song and it really elevated the fight in my opinion

Lijnaito2021 !

Also, the movie is a prequel to season 1. It heavily focuses on the other 2nd year that was overseas




Movie is kinda millstone to the following seasons.

Khalil Huq

The three major clans: 1. Gojo Clan Obviously it makes sense as they birthed the strongest sorcerer of the modern era. If it wasn't the fact that they have the potential to birth an absolute monster like him then they probably wouldn't be considered as powerful as they are. 2. Zenin Clan The greatest treasure that comes from the Zenin clan is the technique which Megumi has - the 10 Shadows. You're already starting to see the potential now but his technique will become even crazier as the story progresses. There are also other techniques which can be birthed in the clan that are also very strong so keep an eye out in season 2! 3. Kamo Clan The treasured technique from this clan is Blood Manipulation which Noritoshi (eyes shut guy) showed off during the Exchange Event. The technique isn't anywhere as powerful as 10 Shadows or Limitless but is prized for it's incredible versatility and lack of weaknesses.


I think that triangle brand car is Mitsubishi