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Next ep is a banger


JOEY! I hope you read this as it's pretty crucial for the coming episodes (and spoiler-free)! The reason why Lelouch got pissed off because not only does he want to liberate Japan, but MORE THAN THAT, he wants to take down the royal family and his father. But he can't do it without an army, The Black Knights. So the dilemma is, Euphy wants to liberate Japan and proposed this, if Zero accepts it then the Black Knights, who only wants to be free, are free and have no reason to continue fighting and help Zero take down the royal family. However, if Zero decides to decline the offer, The Black Knights are gonna be like "yo Zero what the fuck are you thinking? That was our chance to be liberated and you declined?". So The Black Knights want to accept it, but Lelouch doesn't as he needs more. Hopefully this helps as it's important

Andreas H

Yep pretty much this. If he accepts the deal, he looses his army and he then can't complete his goals. If he declines he goes "against" what the black knight's stand for, that he has spent this whole time painting up as "knights for justice" thing. Which would be hypocritical and would therefore lose the high ground he has put himself on and lose most if not all the support he currently have with Japanese people. So basically Euphy put him in checkmate