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MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)
MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)
MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)
MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)
MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)
MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)

MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)
MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)
MHA 💥 S6 E3 Reaction (Uncut)

password = onlyluck




i actually haven't seen season 6 on my own and i gotta say if whole season is like this then it's going to be crazy, i'd guess Toga is going to go on a rampage now and im looking forward to it, unless im wrong and in that case oh well, still curious to see how's she going to react tho

Travis Boyett

this episode almost broke me. twice was a good guy gone wrong all he wanted was friends that accepted him.


And the endless pain and suffering begins

FTN Chicken

Just a head's up, this episode has a slightly different ending animation from the others. Definitely worth coming back to after you've properly reacted to the ending


The end is the personification of when you brain doesnt wanna accept the bad news :D I feel you on that tho, Twice was one of my favorite villains too. He was one of the most relatable ones as many of us have people in our life or met people who werent necesary bad, but smh just lost their path and never got back on track - ended up with the wrong people, at the wrong time nad diead way too earlz - in a way I feel like the author is represeting in Twice people like that.

Maanas Gopi

you shoyuld start watching the ending song bc they have some special animations thatll make the show better


ah man i wished there were subtitles. not against you for watching the dub but the lack of subtitles makes it hard to fully immerse imo


Every time I see the end of the One Man Army, I cry :( I understand why he had to die though, as I have said previously, Twice IMO is the strongest character in the show. At the very least, able to Double himself to the thousands and potentially Double physically or quirk-wise stronger people such as a thousand Shigiraki's and have them decay the world.


Always Hits hard...

Ashley Martin

Twice’s powers works as the more copies that he makes the less durable they are. We only saw one copy of Twice, and that form melted easily without damage. That means Jin (Twice) is no longer with us. Great character. Wish we could’ve seen what would’ve happened if he could multiply in the thousands.


"I hope you die , Hawks. What right do you have to call me unlucky?" FIRST TIME GOOSEBUMPS FROM THE DUP !!!

Mu Lopes

I be forgetting to WAHWAH in the comments