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Damn, so many posts needed lately, but things need to be communicated 😒

First off, shows now will be identified in posts with abbreviations.
Ex. JJK, MHA, DS, etc.

Now here's some interesting info!  Today I got some clarification from Patreon that was kind of crazy to hear.  Over 10,000 posts on Patreon were reported from VIZ & Aniplex and as you can imagine Patreon was super overwhelmed by this huge hit overnight.  Some posts on my page that needed to be taken down had no copyright material at all (Ex. Zenitsu shirt picture, DN sub vs dub poll, etc.) so that leads me to believe these companies just searched for posts MENTIONING the titles of their shows and then took action from there.  This is why I'm going to avoid flat out saying the titles of these shows in posts.

Lastly, most videos will no longer be uploaded directly to Patreon's built in video player so instead I'll be posting links to videos on sites such as Vimeo & Streamable.  This just means we're basically going back to our old ways of posting!  Some videos will be password protected, but of course I'll provide the password right here on Patreon for you.  This password method is just to avoid leaks to non-patreon users.

Ok, that's it for now.  

Lucky Squad, Never Give Up!  🍀


Shawn Vega

thanks for being transparent with us and working hard for us we appreciate you!

Calen Lawlor

Thanks for all the work you’re putting in man! Much love


Wasn't a big fan of Patreon's built-in player, anyways. The quality would dip sometimes, so that was annoying. Vimeo is much better, in terms of how it translates well into mobile. Streamable not so much. Good on the password, though.

Sebastian Stróż

Thank you for all the heads-ups! Even the smallest ones are really appreciated. Keep up the good work my man.


Thanks for the updates and joey you the man


Appreciate you and working to get everything back up! Lucky squad never give up!!!