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Its suz-AWH-ku not suzz-EH-ku. I swear you figured that out... guess it didn't stick. and its Ge-AWH-ss. Do you have problem with the AWH sound?? lol Awh as in Awe, like Awe as in cute. Again if you put either of them in google translate and click listen, it will pronounce it correctly for you, for both Suzaku and Geass.


Love rewatching this series with you Joey!

Daniel Frenzel

Yes. Clovis is the emperor's son


Clovis, Cornelia, Euphy, Schneizel, Lelouch and Nunnally are all children of the Emperor but with different moms. Only exception is Lelouch and Nunnally have the same mom, which is why Nunnally is the only one Lelouch has a bond with


if you have such a huge problem with how he says things maybe you should stop watching him lol