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I guess I was asking the right questions in my intro 😂


Disciple Of Shaco

If it was a question you haven’t found the answer to yet then yes, hentai means pervert

Andreas H

This show is very story driven, and as you said kind of fast phased. It's very important to listen and follow along what each characters say. I've already seen you miss out on some crucial information. So I'd recommend watching it in dub just for that reason. I know most people in the anime community have a sort of religious zeal for watching in sub, but I think the dub in this anime is really well done. This anime is more about the intrigue and story, rather then flashy fighting and stuff (Although there are some of that too) Love your reactions Joey, I think this anime will hit home as you start to come in to it more, and start to pick up on all the small details that gets hinted through conversations. I'll really enjoy this journey, It's definitely one of my top animes


Suzaku was easy to blame for the murder because he is Japanese. So the contrast between Lelouch and Suzaku is interesting. Suzaku is a Japanese working on the Britannian side to end the war and liberate Japan from the inside of the system while Lelouch is a Britannian prince undercover who is on the side of Japan. So basically Suzaku and Lelouch have different nationalities and are on different "sides" but have the same goal

Andreas H

To add on to this, Japanese people are heavily looked down upon. So much so that they aren't even allowed to call themselves Japanese anymore but as "Elevens". And they are heavily repressed by Britannias, almost not even looked upon as people anymore. Suzaku is a Eleven but has joined the Britannian army, something Elevens can do in hope to gain prestige and therefore status in society and once you join you become a so called "Honorary Britannian" which gives Elevens a bit more prestige and status in society, but not by that much but it's better then being an Eleven. And so since Suzaku is just an "Eleven filth" it was easy for Brittanians to use him as a scape goat for the murder of Clovis. In order to gain more control and suppress the Eleven population even more I think you can hear that officer in Episode 1 who told Suzaku to shoot Lealouch saying something like "Prove yourself as an Honorary Britannian and shoot that student". Those are the sort of key points you need to look out for in conversations in this series Joey


Also you may already have worked this out, but essentially everything Lelouch does is for his sister Nunally. He wants to make the world a better place for her to live


Oh snap I forgot about Suzaku getting framed


~suehzahkue, ~Lalutsh, I like your pronounciation xD (I don't mind)