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I think I might have a new favorite shirt.



mwahavip v

So cool!! Where'd you get it???


internet lol i dont remember the site, i think i ordered it during the ep 25 uncut reaction


Gorgeous shirt. Bad choice of background color unfortunately. Need a contrasting but complementary color. Like teal or purple would have worked but I think grey would have let the colors in the shirt shine without taking anything away from it. You want your shirt to be the highlight/focal point of the picture so your background should be helping you do that. ☺️😎💓


It might be helpful to him. Any good content creator is going to want to improve their content. Like it or not, aesthetics is a part of that. I have a background in art so I process things through that lens. I'm also autistic so I'm very detail oriented. Nato is a cool dude. He'll get that I was trying to be helpful. I meant no disrespect. Those are defo my fav colors (between red and marigold) but the picture looks like a budget Photoshop because you've got too many similar colors. It makes distinguishing depth difficult. It also erases your focal point by making it a part of the background.