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 Sorry this livestream was lost when old yotube channel suspended; I am working to find it and upload as soon as possible..

Grazie a tutti delle belle risposte che avete dato.. sinceramente siete tutti un pò vincitori perchè non mi aspettavo delle risposte così romantiche e fantasiose. Dovendo scegliere però un solo vincitore, questa volta ho deciso di premiare FONSINI! a te quindi la scelta, fammi sapere quale sarà il mio outfit per domani.. mi raccomando l'appuntamento è per domani mattina (venerdì 30 novembre) ore 9:30  per tutti i Procioni e Grandi Cuculi.


Thanks to all of the kind answers you have given .. sincerely you are all a bit winners because I did not expect such romantic and imaginative answers. But I  have to choose only one winner, and this time I decided to reward FONSINI! to you then the choice, let me know what will be my outfit for tomorrow .. I recommend the appointment is for tomorrow morning (Friday, November 30) at 9:30 a.m.  for all the Raccoons and Big Cuckoo.


(No title)



Congrats Fonsini :)


Oh Simona! Thank you very much for choosing me! Sorry my delay answering you... I was on a plane from Dubai. My choice is S5 and P1. Kiss kiss