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I genuinely am so thankful that we have so many lil pastries willing to help donate to our project. Honestly, when we first started Patreon we didn't expect to be able to really get anywhere, other than that lil tiny bit of hope deep inside of me.

Thank you so much! With our current amount of patrons, we're now able to pay the monthly server hosting costs using such donations purely.

To thank you guys, we're pumping out more content for Premium and have also given you guys a 2x vote booster and more rewards for pledging! We've also finally done the most wanted role income <3!

Our next goal aims to help rebrand Mimu a bit further, bring you guys new pets and more art which we bring to you via our commissioned artist, Melody. We'll be showing you more sneak peeks soon! :) <3

Until then, I love you guys so much, thank you for supporting us.



No problem owo