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Hey guys, got a production update for you today! Firstly, we’ve now switched from producing Blender test animations to Bloodcrown production animations going forward. So with the next animation preview, sometime in March, I’ll explain what that process is. I will go into detail by way of showcasing an example.

Cerene AI goes boobs out

In my last post, I featured my first AI attempts at achieving Cerene’s likeness and possible outfit ideas with generally favorable feedback. So now, I’m kicking off an AI series with the loose goal of creating an origin story around Cerene in either comic or visual novel form.

For this update, I’ve attempted 3 things: More likeness, various outfits & nudes, and also expressions and upscaling.

The heavily stylized version of Cerene seemed the most popular in the last post, but I dragged it back towards a level of realism that I’m happy with. I know she could do with more likeness, but I think, given this is a comic version, I prefer to take some liberties and keep her more stylized. This set of images would represent the general range of variation one could expect from the comic. Coupled with semi-consistent outfits and hair, I think the range is fine. What do you think?

In terms of the outfits, well it’s pretty amazing what you can do as you can see from the 3rd image. Give me some outfit ideas and I might try some. And of course Cerene’s finally in her element, freeing them nipps. She turned out pretty awesome I think :)

But up next comes the hard part. The problem isn’t the variety of clothes, the problem is consistency in the face, body, poses, and outfits, which is very hard to achieve with AI currently, but I’ll see how close I can get with the next update.

Speaking of which, here’s what I’ve planned for the next few updates:

  • Cerene poses with a consistent look clothed & naked (give your outfit suggestions below)
  • Cerene dick girl version flaccid/ hard
  • Cerene sex
  • Cerene dialogue animation
  • Other characters

And if we pass all these artistic hurdles we should be set to kick off the visual novel. Give me some ideas of what you want to see and as long as they loosely fall into the list above I’ll see if I can incorporate some of them.



Eddy Hurtado

I like the idea of seeing the first time Futa Cerene has sex with a woman. Like the first blowjob she receives. The first time she penetrates a woman. First time she comes with a dick.


I would like to see a red head jessica rabbit style cerene for a few images


Her face does not look like Cerene to me. It looks like Elsa as drawn by Aromasensie. I hope it is still being tweaked to look more like Cerene.


It's good to know that the Blender team is doing production work now, but what does that exactly mean? Is the team working on Bloodlust Lanessa part 2? Are they helping with part 1? Are they doing random Bloodlust themedd stuff? The AI art is.... AI art. Cerene still looks like a generic borderline jailbait Korean MMO style cartoon woman that can't hold consistency from one image to another. I also think you're also feeding the AI too many Frozen hints. I'm glad you're having fun with this, but how is this worthy of an end of month update? You people are probably the largest 3dx studio out there and one of your flagship characters is gonna get an origin comic/VN that anyone of us with enough time could generate. And all of this in the midst of the biggest content break draught ever. How much time is being wasted on "improving" this AI stuff that could be used in production? How about sitting one artist at a PC and doing a couple of renders, huh? Maybe that miracle Blender team of yours could do with some more practice? Maybe take one of your existing sets and do a VN of that? You've started 2 and got nowhere with them. It's like you can't even imagine actually working and showing us something nowadays. It's all art by other people or AI 80% of the time. It's actually kinda sad you think these AI posts are worthy of end of months wrap-ups. What news from Bloodlust Lanessa part1? I see that you've skillfully managed even not to mention it. Last month at least it got a few sentences...


So, yeah.. AI art. Last time you said it was just a bit of fun, this time your saying its going to be used for visual novels and stuff using it? Um.. she doesn't look like Cerene, she looks generic. Where are the sets staring Raven with Cerene, and Lanessa with Cerene, or all three together? The AI can do tits and outfits, but I'm not here for Tits and clothes, I can get that stuff on OF or other sites. I'm here for the futas, the futa sex scenes, for the sets and animations focusing on their unique outfits and bodies and faces, Lanessa in her leather straps, Cerene in her purple armor bikini... not generic AI faces with Cerene sized tits.


Been a patron since day one, even hurried back home from work on the day miro launched the page just to pledge in the first hour(s) of its existence. Things looked really good back then, miro having a cast of amazing original characters put to splendid use in simply incredible picture sets. A genius way to sweeten the way till BL2 - and so good even that for a long time I didn't think much about BL2 anymore. The existing content was just so good that there didn't need to be much else / much news about BL2 progress. Some sets like Flying High mark the very pinnacle of 3dcg hotness for me - just amazing. Then, one day, collaboration sets started popping up. Nonsensical pairings of miro's characters with ones from existing IPs/games. That's when sets stopped coming except through commissions/collabs with other artists, and even then the original tone, the unique little stories (like in the jungle set with Cerene and Raven) were lost in the process. By now though? Sayako is being done justice by TheDude, Cerene looks best done by StevenCarson, Raven and Tara are almost nonexistent, and all hope for Lanessa and Sophia is on BL2. The fact we've gone from original picture sets with original characters to crossovers with third party models and are now "kicking off" an AI series is... well, it hurts. I can't be the only one who thinks that the characters deserve better. That it would be nice to see these achievements (like the design of Cerene) be honored by their maker(s) instead of wasting them in nonsensical crossovers, or even as AI fodder.


Flying High... Remember the teaser of the visual novel based on that? That was such hype and hope...


don't really see the likeness, but yes, she'll go through iterations still, especially with the dick girl attempts


with enough time anyone can become a good artist as I mentioned in my post I will explain our approach with the next animation, by using an example


yes, single images do look somewhat generic, although I think I'm starting to capture Cerene's essence more and outfits, dick girls and sex are on the todo list, if you read my post


that's fair to say from your original experience, however the good news is that tests and collabs are making way for production work now, so hopefully you'll like the upcoming content more AI though I encourage you to keep an eye on as well, it will be unique to my style and characters, which makes all the difference with any art, imo

generic genetics

These AI pictures are an improvement over the last batch to say the least, the eyes feel like a marked improvement, though Cerene still has a weird looking hand in 02-01 and 02-02. Anyway if this is going to be a fun little extra thing how about a nice set of comparison pics, something where she is in the same pose or setting but with outfits from before and after her transformation to give a good sense of how much she changed? Like going from some simple nice towns folk dresses to the skimpy stuff were used to. It's also nice to know that more people are going to be moving over to the Blender production side of things, though I thought that was the idea a few months back. Either-way more progress is more good. I would like to ask as there isn't any documented set of things that has been set out for Bloodcrown, and I can't remember if I've already asked, so apologies if I already have, but are we finally going to see Cerene getting a proper dp from Lanessa and Sophia? as I don't think it's something we've seen from her yet in any of the sets.


you must have experience with ai if you found weird hands, try to avoid them if possible, yeah will do a transform outfit set if I remember and yes a dp scene is planned for BC


What does production work actually mean? Previews from the actual Bloodlust Lanessa movie or just random content with those characters? How will you get the unique look in AI stuff? It looks like 90% of the AI stuff out there looks i.e. anime style girls. In the first set you actually had less anime looking faces, but it feels like you went only for the manga style.


production work means it's for an actual release involving my main characters the manga look won out with the last poll, which I like as well, but since I only want one style for now I will pull it a bit more towards realism, with the next edition I'll experiment with more of the actual outfits and style and then she'll get a dick as well


Please don't waste this story on some AI art. This is important imo and should be treated as actual content, not some stuff with you dicking around with AI stuff.

generic genetics

Only seen a little from Ai tbh, but it seems to be a common thing that it can't pick up on some of the subtle geometries of hands, (in this case her right hand looks stretched), then again some artists can't do hands either, it's not a big deal. Would like to see more Cerene Ai picks with a more intense look on her face too, kind of how she looked at Tristan in the first bloodlust, the kind of look someone gives you to say "I'm going to suck your dick till you can't feel your legs, and there's nothing you can do about it". That's kind of how we've seen her most of the time so it would be a nice return to for for Ai Cerene. As for a comic / visual novel piece are you thinking about doing it in full colour or stylising it more, like in black and white / grayscale to kind of keep in theme with the gothic setting the characters are set in? Just something that might look cool. And for me personally the news of Cerene getting a proper dicking in BC is pretty hype, hope the dp's more than a spit roast though, Love thy neighbour is one of my favourite sets, and the animation is just top notch. Though on that note, out of pure curiosity. Is it much more difficult animating three characters instead of two? I know you and the team are well versed in animation two characters together, so does that make it more routine thing to add another or is it exponentially more work as it's another body to keep moving, reacting and just keeping account of?

Amber Lee

@miro I was wondering if you could port BL 1& 2 into VR - I would LOVE that <3

Pete Stone

i liked the last set as there was much variety in the art styles. these are higher quality images by far but i kinda enjoy the roughness, the last ones reminded me of early super high quality hentai.

Pete Stone

also i don't mind the weird hands. i understand ai isn't the best but i don't want that stopping the interesting variety. the last set with the black outfit and the red outfit were the hottest ones, yet they had hands. im not looking at her hands ( . )( . )


I’m sorry, but using AI to generate artwork just feels like a lazy effort for a longtime 3D artist and it’s not something I’d wanna spend my money on if it’s what you’re going for in the future.