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Hey all, this week we have a mini set created by Kyla in Daz. We'll be posting our monthly Blender animation next week. But in the meantime please enjoy some not-so-dressed and fully erect shots of Cerene! These are available in both "dressed" and naked versions. 

Hope you enjoy




Beautiful :)


Her dick has veins more than most muscular men. lol and a little too straight from some point of view but her expression can make it up for that notice. Besides that, her clothes could add some spice like a garter belt or T-back panties that are put aside from her dick or held on her knee that making a dressed-nude situation. And in pic no.2, Cerene sucks her finger like she invite someone but it also could show that she tastes her own cum from leaking dick(with pre-cum). What happens to pic no.5 on the nude folder?


This is really nice. Love the vibe it is giving off. Her breasts look amazing. My only complaint and it's more of a personal one than an issue with the images, is that I would have loved to have seen Cerene start in a more flaccid state and progress to her hard state she's in currently. Granted it may be seen as unnecessary work and not needed for the set but just something I would have liked to have seen. All in all, a great set. Would love to see more like this from Kyla.


It just seemed to have been labelled incorrectly as 6 instead of 5 as all the images are the same.


That's now been corrected but was indeed just a labeling issue. It's the same image as in the dressed folder - James


Cerene's breasts are HEAVY ... and they deform beautifully under gravity! Also a really good job of making Cerene expressive, even though she is solo in bed (with only a cameraman to watch her). Colors, textures, posing ... everything looks GOOD. Even the feminine muscularity of Cerene's arms looks good(!) for a change (imagine that!). The only minor detail for me to nitpick at is the shape of Cerene's hair around her left ear, since it looks like there might be some clipping going on there (although it's really too hard to tell). Only other quibble I can make with this set is that I would have liked to see a little more work done on the lighting. I have the feeling that 3 is fine, but 1-2 and 4-5 could use a little more brightness on the shadowed side of Cerene (right of frame) ... not too much, perhaps 5-10% more lumens coming from that direction to brighten the shadows on her just a little bit. Other than that, this is an EXCELLENT photoset and Kyla should be proud and pleased with this effort.


This looks really good, but I'm not surprised since Kyla is really good at these 'just lying in bed' shots. Really love her breasts actually reacting to gravity. Would have liked more from this, maybe some shots of her not all veiny and stuff and showing her ass and pussy as well. Good job! Also just have to note again how great her original hair looks compared to what we've seen for that Cerene/Sophia set previewed last week.


This is probably the next patreon post. https://twitter.com/SalamandraNinja/status/1581647206649851904


I thought so (https://twitter.com/SalamandraNinja/status/1582013381799649283) and actually, they missed some pic from SC that post it on their twitter but not here.


Great images but it's a shame we're paying for other creators to make content. I'd just sub to their patreon if I wanted other content.


It's not the next post however we will be creating an image set based off those images in the near future. These are collaborations so you're not paying for other artists' work. It's joint work done with that artist as we (Miro and his team) create an image set based on a scene they set up with a character we created and gave them. Just like Miro works on Bloodcrown or Bloodlust with other artists. It's the nature of a production. James


I guess the animation hit a snag? Or is it supposed to be next week.