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  • BC_wips_2022-08-31.mp4



Hey guys, here is this month's BloodCrown update. 

To give you a little background on what's going on, we are currently working on polishing the titty fuck segment that we've been showing. It is quite a lengthy scene and sets the pace and plot for the rest of the story, hence why it's taking so long. 

And we want to start posting preview clips instead of just final renders as a way of showing more scenes without showing too much and keeping you all more up to date on what's going on. 

This particular scene depicts a preview of a sex scene between Sophia's initiation with Lanessa and Cerene and the later stages of the boob job. 

As a note - this draft doesn’t include jiggle and boob squeeze, which will be added later. We will of course also do a full clipping check and fix it when it's closer to completion. 




What’s the time frame of release?

never, he cashes in with this shit since 2018 and nothing more than a few wips ever showed up


and we keep paying it, so who's the fool? Us!


Hi there, as mentioned in earlier posts, we don't have a timeline we can give you at the moment. We'd rather wait until we are certain of a release date before promising a date again. Thanks - James


Yeah it was cancelled over a year ago and we'll keep getting the same preview for the next 2 years until they announce its cancelled.


Alright time's up. I gave it a fair shot + time. Several times. You had 9+ months to make some substantive progress since recomitting to making substantive progress at a 73-75% progress estimate and we're seeing the same stuff repeated ad-nauseum in these monthlies after literally years of work. Been an ardent supporter since 2011 which is an eon in internet time. I've given more than enough patience and fair shots at looking to the future and hoping for improvement over that time. I'll be happy to buy BC on the store when it's ready. But as far as this Patreon is considered, the value proposition just isn't there. It's hasn't netted an improvement in any of the processes as was originally outlined at the inception. A3D should be one of the most well-connected brands in the game as far as talent, money, and resources being backed by 2 fully featured storefronts including a 3DX sex doll enterprise. The fact that it hasn't translated to any results on our end besides an astronomically glacial pace is incredibly frustrating. Fact is there's other artists that can and do use this kind of money to make improvements in leaps and bounds and I think it's just better spent in their direction. Money clearly wasn't the solution here. Whatever the solution is, good luck in finding it. Looking forward to seeing BC on the A3D store whenever it gets there.


So this patreon is just a scam right? This no longer belongs to Miro? We haven't see anything from him in over a year. You people are taking literally a year to import characters to blender, every single other artist does this in weeks. You've contuously posted the same, and I mean IDENTICAL, preview for this fictional "Bloodlust" title over and over, claiming that it's new because the hand grabs the boob a little differently. You gave up on picture sets in attempt to speed up production of this fictional Bloodlust title and we've seen negative results, you're actually going backwards. You cancelled a ton of clips that were in the making to focus on this fictional bloodlust title. You cancelled a ton of clips even before that "because they wouldn't work", whatever the fuck that means, instead of actually SHOWING us something. This attempt to space updates out to be "weekly" has just become insulting. You aren't giving us "weekly" updates on anything. We're getting a queue of old content from OTHER artists, weather it be 3 pictures or a short animation from someone you might hire but probably not because no one is actually working on anything. We haven't seen anything new for Bloodlust in 2 years. The communication on this patreon is a disaster. I'm with EmEm. I give up. I've tried to justify staying subbed but I just can't do it anymore. Enjoy your echo chamber. Looking forward to Bloodlust in 2027 assuming it isn't cancelled or dead.

Alex J Rios

alright i thought i was the only one on this but after seeing the comments, guess i wasnt alone. i agree that these "updates" are not really it. they are just slightly different from the last. im honestly gonna do the same and just cancel my patreon here and give it to someone else. cause nothing is happening here. ill come back and check in a year and maybe it will be by 80% by then


They can't tell you that mate. You see, giving you a release estimate exposes them on both flanks. On one hand it shows the strange mix of, what I presume are, lies, laziness and incompetence that has led then to no finish HALF a movie with 2 already existing characters in 4 years. On the other hand it will expose them to further ridicule when they will most likely miss that the new deadline. Last time they had a time frame for a release they had to make some crap up about how other side content was oh so important and should be finished first. It was supposed to stall Bloodlust for a couple of months only, but here we are almost one year later.


there won't be a time frame for a good while, but I will go into more detail with each update


I agree it's taken a hell of a long time, but I appreciate the support so far and hopefully you'll still like the final result


Hey miro, remember when you told us up to October 2021 that the tentative release was Christmas 2021? What happened there? Lies or sheer incompetence? Almost one year later we're at 'won't be a time frame for a good while'. Christ allmighty. Have you added something to the scope of the project? It's still just half a movie right? Was any work actually done beyond the intros scene?


no, haven't shown this animation before, at least not to this extent and yes, have cancelled my work on the side projects to focus on BC I get that some will be pissed with the long production regardless, but we'll get there eventually with that said we don't state anything misleading here, I've always said not to come here for the BC updates but rather the ongoing content, which we will be improving


No timeframe for the delayed release for quite a while when the movie was originally supposed to come out in 2021🙄. Christ almighty you can't be serious miro 🤣 . At least be so honest to admit and not for once defend/downplay things that this whole project has been an absolute clusterf**k and not come out in 2022 for a little piece of mind of some still stupid enough to further support you Patrons like me (founders tier and FOMO be damned 😬 ) .


The politest thing you could do for your patreons, miro, would be to PAUSE BILLING of subscriptions until you've finished BL:L1. Not that I expect you to do that ... but it would be the polite thing to do ...


yes, it's something in the works and we do post updates on it, but it's not content during production


may not look like it to you in that form, but the posted animation is actually big progress, in any case thanks for the support so far


@TheGreatCornholio @JohnboyX yes, there was a xmas deadline, which was later cancelled and discussed in detail at the time and no time line was provided since, I'm not going to post a time line until it's basically finished... so yeah there's not going to be one for a good while, that's the best way to put it @IBT have we not posted content outside of BC? has there been any content you liked since we started? I hope so, otherwise I wouldn't stay either


@miro yes the deadline was cancelled. Bloodlust was about 2 months away and the other stuff was finished by February. It’s been roughly half an year since you ‘refocused’ on Bloodlust and now you’re now saying that it’s going to be a long while before it will be finished. Never in your explanations did you ever mention that the release estimate was in any way wrong. All you talked about was how you were working on too many things at once. I agree it’s bad to spread yourself thin, but what about progress on Bloodlust? Did you lose all your work from 2018 to 2021? Did you throw it in the garbage? Did you delete it by mistake? Did Russian hackers encrypt it and you refused to pay? Did you decide to start over from 0? How can anyone interpret the pause in late 2021 as anything else than an excuse to cover up the lies about the progress of Bloodlust? Especially when you come back with an attitude of ‘i’m not talking about the progress’. Never mind percentage or estimates, you never bothered to explain why you said you were so close and now you’re so far away.


This is disappointing. I've been a contributor since 2019, and with great content released on a regular basis like Cypunk/flying high/seed of rebirth/etc. Then for the past year its been nothing but shitty blender collaborations that are no where near the miro style I loved and joined for. I gave you a year to get back on track and release some miro content, but it looks like it isn't coming. Get back to your roots and I'll gladly be back.


I like it :)


This scene does look pretty hot! I'm eager to see it with some dialogue and some moans and groans.


And free users got their privilege to see Cerene before Miro himself released it for paid users. I tried to understand that this place will get more pictures while the other artist is making them so they have the right to release them before. But couldn't help feeling slighted. :( https://twitter.com/stevencarsn/status/1566266659500969984


Ive been here since 2018 and before I was ok with waiting for BC because we had images sets going and it was real nice but now it been dry for almost 1 yr ...


https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6636585 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6636586 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6636587 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6636588 Just in case anyone else would prefer to avoid Twitter. Oh, and there's also this ... https://slushe.com/galleries/cerene-135348.html


In the hopes of receiving a concrete and not another vague answer 😓 (I also sent a PM your way just to be on the safe side) but is Bloodcrown Part 1 at least planned for 2022 or can it still move into the next year ? An idea and maybe something to consider for the next monthly update which should also take out some of the heat from many supporters would be to have this project at least partly out of the door within this year as an early access version like steam does it. Meaning this version would be available in the store for the full price (with an added discount for long time Patreon supporters) and will later be upgraded to the full finalized version once it's ready.


No @miro the value isn't there. At least not anymore since your so-called "refocus" on Bloodcrown Part 1. 5 bucks a month founders tier or not is the most I would ask from my supporters if I were a content creator given the current situation of content drought from said creator who is actually running this Patreon that's been going on for months which is filled with third party stuff from other creators one can find way earlier and on top often completely free elsewhere on the web 😑 . If at least your communication (the same goes for @James ) regarding the main movie would be better meaning wayyyyyy less vague, passive and more transparent on what the heck is going on that warrants a nearly 1 year delay (cause such a huge divergence from schedule usually always takes place when there are serious troubles during production) and not like you know sounds as if it's from an EA or Activision spokesperson then maybe. As for me I only stay here because A: I don't want to loose my founders tier so once the day comes the content finally gets better I can actually start appreciating the long lost 10 $ of value again, B: 5 $ doesn't hurt me if I at least can still continue to write criticism in the hopes that one day you get the memo on why many Patrons continue to be so angry with ya over such a loooooong time period with some being so frustrated that they are even considering leaving ship, C: of course I want to claim and not give up on that hinted discount for long term Patreon supporters once Bloodcrown Part 1 FINALLY drops for all the anger I had to endure over the past months.


Can't commit to a 2022 date or any date, but the monthly update will speak to the progress and I will attempt to be more detailed on what is being worked on. The updates themselves will become more comprehensive in general over time. And yes, patreons will get substantial discounts based on length. BC is already broken down into 2 parts, but let me think about the potential for a further breakdown.


@Miro I would highly recommend that you go the early access route. As the comments show many supporters (myself included) completely lost their patience/sympathy so this is no longer about having the perfect product ready when it's ready (and as a perfectionist myself I can somewhat relate) but rather about saving face and fixing the damaged reputation so not many more supporters leave, start avoiding the Affect3d brand altogether and tell other people on the web to do the same once they get told that even a 1 year delay wasn't enough extra time to wrap up production on the main movie and have something ready for them. Gotta throw a bone at some point even if it means swallowing the bitter pill of having to present something unfinished but at least you have something ready to show off. All in all I really hope you learned your lesson so something like this doesn't happen ever again and things truly improve starting with Bloodcrown part 2 and beyond.


well, I've always had issues with delays, it's difficult to change your character but I still love 3dx, the project and want to become more efficient, so improvements will be made and blood crown will be completed and I'm considering early access of some kind as long as there's enough content for a release and there's sufficient setup in place for quick succession of the remaining parts