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  • AA26- Music.mp4
  • AA26 - No Music.mp4



Hey guys, here is this month's Blender feature animation that we previewed a few weeks ago with the image set. Cerene gets a little excited and carried away here but her partner doesn't seem to mind at all ;) 

The original animation was done by Chibiterasu17 with some adjustments by James and lighting by Maxalo. 

We know there are some issues with Cerene's hair. The mesh isn't ideal for cloth sims unfortunately so we are looking into finding a solution. 

Hope you enjoy 




Really like the contrast of dark and light of their skin tones


Facial expressions need a lot of work ... especially on Jill. Her face looks ... animatronic ... rather than that of someone who is "in the moment" in any meaningful way. Her eye line just points off into empty space, as if she's trying to "avoid" connecting with Cerene "up top" (even as they are quite obviously connecting "down below"). Cerene's face and facial expressions are animated a bit better, so most of the problem is with Jill. From an "erotic energy flow" standpoint, the two characters really aren't "connecting" with each other (except at the hips and neck) so they're each "doing their own thing" rather than actively responding to and participating in the sex act in progress. The net result is a feeling of pushing two barbie dolls together instead of "fuck, that's so hot..." when watching this. I'm thinking that if there were more body language communication going on between the two, so the erotic energy of the scene was cycling between them and building up rather than leaking out and draining away from both them, it would make for a better clip. The means I would want to use in order to do that would be to update the animation/posing of Cerene's and Jill's heads and facial expressions ... mainly for a "look at ME while I'm fucking YOU!" vibe, instead of letting Jill's attention wander away from the pounding Cerene is giving her down below and making Jill look like she's trying to focus on anything else other than the sex act in progress. As is, it looks like Jill is being fucked in the ass ... and trying to ignore it or pretend it isn't happening(!). If Jill isn't "into it" while she is IN the scene, why should the audience be "into it" on her behalf when Jill isn't even trying to act like what's happening is "moving" her in any way passionately?


Music choice certainly made for a better fit with the visuals this time than in the last few releases that had music.


I kind of wish that Cerene was being a bit more ... varied ... in her fucking movements, although that's a huge ask for such a small (looped) clip. As is, she's doing "hump & pump" movements. Would have been nice to see her getting in some more hip action (twist and swirl) to "heighten her pleasure" (and have her way with Jill more freely). Also would have been nice to see Cerene "force her way in DEEP ... and hold there" so as to make Jill not only "take it all" but also really FEEL IT and have their eyes meet so that Cerene can see (and feed on!) the effect she's having on Jill with her cock fucked all the way up Jill's ass. Then Cerene could begin "stirring" her hips around with her cock buried in Jill's ass, just to savor the sensations and Jill's (involuntary?) response.

beef supreme

this is phenomenal


Really like the idea of this "rougher" animation, but Jill's facial expressions make it look like she's horrified, not enjoying herself. A woman who is horrified about being choked is probably being raped. A woman with a smile on her face is enjoying it. I can't enjoy it as it is. Also: the "shine" on the skin of some of the characters has become distracting. In some cases the shine is too much, it makes Cerene's skin look plastic, instead of natural (this critique is not limited to this animation, btw. Many of the recent pictures sets and animations have excessive skin shine). Any my typical complaints. ;) Cerene's balls are way too big, and the voice acting (which is probably re-used? and that's ok) is not passionate enough. Can't complain about the positioning at all, nor the idea of adding a bit of choking. ;) Just please make Jill look like she's enjoying it! More camera angles are never undesired.


I am not liking the Futa Genetalia in any of these Blender animations. Balls too huge and cartoonish. They just do not look like they belong. Miro's Content prior to blender was at a level where you could easily suspend disbelief & enjoy the Futa models. This a big distraction, and I hope genitalia goes back to the level of looking more natural while still attaining a large and attractive endowment. Was this a conscious decision to make this change to all the models?


I'm a bit bummed personally it's an anal scene. Otherwise it was pretty good aside from the clipping at the anus.

Josh Logan

I haven't been able to download it yet and watch for some reason?


Hi there, could you try emptying your cache and/or changing browser? I'm unable to reproduce the error you mentioned. James


Ah speaking on that..... main reason as I've been doing some research into this is our skin map setup it's not where it needs to be.... however this should change for the better by next month I'd hope. seems we were missing a few bits that help bring out details in certain lighting.... Our current setup is ok for closeups with neutral lights, yet most if not all the detail gets washed out at a distance or adding any from of wet effect.... this we'll be improving big time so that plastic skin feel will go away... as for the size, his tastes are changing (will come to see that soon) so proportions of the models also do, yet we certainly could use a bit of "this is the default shape" and using that with minimal changes imo would be nice.... however that's not for me to choose.